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Lack of association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Portuguese population
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We performed a meta-analysis of 26 studies evaluating the association between vitamin D receptor pan style='font-style: italic'>Taqpan>I, poly(A), pan style='font-style: italic'>Bsmpan>I, pan style='font-style: italic'>Apapan>I, and/or pan style='font-style: italic'>Fokpan>I polymorphisms, and prostate cancer risk.


<p>The studies were heterogeneous in terms of study design, selection of cases and controls, and racial composition. Random effects models were used to estimate the pooled OR and 95 % CI of each vitamin D receptor polymorphism under codominant, additive, dominant and recessive genetic models. Overall we did not find evidence to support an association between any of the vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and the risk of prostate cancer. For pan style='font-style: italic'>Taqpan>I, which is the most studied vitamin D receptor polymorphism with 18 studies (total of 2,727 cases and 3,685 controls), the pooled OR was 1.00 (95 % CI 0.85 to 1.18) for the pan style='font-style: italic'>Ttpan> vs pan style='font-style: italic'>TTpan> genotypes, 0.94 (95 % CI 0.78 to 1.13) for the pan style='font-style: italic'>ttpan> vs pan style='font-style: italic'>TTpan> genotypes and 0.89 (95 % CI 0.71 to 1.10) for the recessive model (pan style='font-style: italic'>ttpan> vs pan style='font-style: italic'>Ttpan> plus pan style='font-style: italic'>TTpan>). ORs for the poly(A) microsatellite, pan style='font-style: italic'>Bsmpan>I, pan style='font-style: italic'>Apapan>I and pan style='font-style: italic'>Fokpan>I polymorphisms were similar.


<p>The results of this meta-analysis suggest that the vitamin D receptor pan style='font-style: italic'>Taqpan>I, poly(A), pan style='font-style: italic'>Bsmpan>I, pan style='font-style: italic'>Apapan>I and pan style='font-style: italic'>Fokpan>I polymorphisms are not related to prostate cancer risk.

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p"" style=""padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px"">VDR gene variants associate with cognitive function and...
Neurobiology of Aging

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p://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T09-4PG8H0F-1&_user=10&_coverDate=08 % 2F21 % 2F2007&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=article&_cdi=4857&_sort=v&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=250&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=9d81c46c190b0e01890807cae16212b9"">pan style='font-style: italic'>VDRpan> gene variants associate with cognitive function and depressive symptoms in old age
Neurobiology of AgingIn Press, Corrected ProofAvailable online 21 August 2007
Maris Kuningas, Simon P. Mooijaart, Jelle Jolles, P. Eline Slagboom, Rudi G.J. Westendorp, Diana van Heemst

Vitamin D has been recently implicated in brain function. Our objective was to test whether genetic variance in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene is associated with cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms in old age. The study was carried out in the prospective population-based Leiden 85-plus Study. All 563 participants of the study were genotyped for pan style='font-style: italic'>Cdx-2pan>, pan style='font-style: italic'>FokIpan>, pan style='font-style: italic'>BsmIpan>, pan style='font-style: italic'>ApaIpan> and pan style='font-style: italic'>TaqIpan> polymorphisms in the pan style='font-style: italic'>VDRpan> gene. Our data revealed an overall worse performance on tests measuring cognitive functioning for carriers of pan style='font-style: italic'>BsmIpan> (pan style='font-style: italic'>ppan> = 0.013) and pan style='font-style: italic'>TaqIpan> (pan style='font-style: italic'>ppan> = 0.004) polymorphisms, and of haplotype 2 (BAt) (pan style='font-style: italic'>ppan> = 0.004). In contrast, carriers of pan style='font-style: italic'>ApaIpan> variant-allele and of haplotype 1 (baT) had better cognitive functioning together with less depressive symptoms. These associations could not be explained by differences in calcium levels, and by selective survival, since no associations between the pan style='font-style: italic'>VDRpan> gene variants and calcium levels and mortality were observed. In conclusion, our results show that genetic variance in the pan style='font-style: italic'>VDRpan> gene influences the susceptibility to age-related changes in cognitive functioning and in depressive symptoms.

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Copyright © 2008 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Published by Elsevier Inc.
<p>Lack of association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Portuguese population

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