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All of the elements,such as ecological problems, people’s requirements for buildings’environmental qualities, the introduction and development of all kinds of green building technologies, the implementation of green building assessment standards, laws and policies, etc,grouping together become a strong power which pushes Chinese green building movement stepping into a speedup stage. The eco-economic optimization of green building is one of the desiderating solved problems in this stage.
     Eco-economics is a new discipline, which mainly researches on the rules of the ecological-economic-social system in an economic view. Its research on some topics, such as interrelationship between the ecosystem and human social-economic activities, harmony achieving of these different systems, sustainable rules of a complex system, etc, has become a new apocalypse to the green building study. Especially in the establishment of a win-win concept between ecological and economic pursuing, and the method of eco-economic optimization, eco-economics has given many clews to green building researchers.
     The dissertation begins its research with a review on the world development process of the green building movements and its situations in nowaday China. Then the author introduces the research methods and ideas of eco-economics in a brief way. Basing on these discussions, the dissertation develops its analysis on the eco-economic optimization of green building in three ways: the necessities and possibilities of establishing a new value concept, which means the acception of an ecological and economic win-win pattern, the eco-economic characteristics of green building design strategies and the mutualism relations between different groups, which are involved in the development of green building. Basing on these analyses, the dissertation tries to construct a research framework of the eco-economic optimization of green building, which includes a value base, elements analysis, assessment index and design methods.
     The final part of the dissertation is the example research. In this part, through introducing the eco-footprint method, the author carries out a set of eco-economic optimization methods,which deem the eco-economic efficiency as their inner concept, in a real project in order to validate the new theory. This set of methods include the choosing of a green design goal, the choice of building shape, the eco-economic assessments to different passive and initiative strategies, the bring forward method of a final optimization action plan and the discussion of the effects of policies.
     In one word, with the introducing of the eco-economic optimization theory, the dissertation tries to expand our view in the design of green buildings, and provide a way to solve the eco-economic problems that we face in green building practices.
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