Mobile social media for smart grids customer engagement: Emerging trends and challenges
Energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important targets to be achieved on every society as a whole and in power system in particular. This target could bring renewable energy resources technologies closer to the ‘Smart Energy Communities’; that would allow the active participation of the so-called ׳prosumers׳ in a genuinely open market. Accordingly, there is a need to develop strategies to motivate and involve citizens in the future electricity system. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have an important role to play in reducing the energy intensity and therefore increasing the energy efficiency of the economy, contributing to sustainable growth. The emphasis of the smart grid in social media through mobile apps could give utilities a collection of new instruments to improve their customer engagement. To preserve long-term customer fidelity, utilities should transform themselves from energy suppliers to energy service advisor. Utilities can draw useful lessons from most valuable brands on how to expand their digital customer experience initiatives. Therefore, this paper discusses and offers guidance for utilities in creating a social roadmap for the smart grid, emphasizing prosumer role.