Design and performance of a filtration–adsorption pool train and drawing water system for small urban recreational water pollution control
A filtration–adsorption pool train (FAPT) and drawing water (DW) system was developed to control the small urban recreational water pollution at a senior hotel in Shanghai, China. The results from one year of operation indicated that the system had successfully achieved the water quality objectives: compared with the water quality before the treatment system worked, the average concentrations of SS, CODMn, BOD5, NH3-N, TP and Chla were reduced by 79 % , 39.5 % , 45 % , 36 % , 44.3 % and 70 % , respectively, and DO and transparency were improved by 27 % and 134 % , respectively. The customers enjoyed a recreational, aesthetic and educational amenity along the ring pond. Therefore, it was conducted that the FAPT–DW system was an effective measure for small recreational waters, especially in urban areas with limited land resources.