The Methodology of Spatial Organization in Border Areas within of the Kazakh - Russian Relations
The peculiarity of the Kazakh-Russian border is considered the concentration of a significant part of the transport infrastructure and the natural productive capacity of the two states along its perimeter. Economic unit of the border regions of Russia and Kazakhstan is preserved in the present. However, the lack of zones of highly urban environment of life became an obstacle to the concentration in the highly skilled territory of Kazakhstan, mobile workforce, innovative technologies, sources of information, 鈥渂rand鈥? cultural values, etc. Within Kazakhstan the gap increases in the growth rates of the economy, quality of life among the regions. This does not provide the country's competitiveness in an open economy, not only in international, but also at the sub- national level. Rapid urbanization in Kazakhstan connected with the movement of large masses of human resources in a potentially promising raw materials region, as well as in the cities of Astana and Almaty which led to the permanent distortions in the resettlement of the population. Kazakhstan should consider the experience of post-communist countries joined the European Union (EU), which has been implemented macro-economic stabilization, significantly reduced the proportion of the public sector in the economy, and expanded private initiative in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. Nowadays, within the framework of the Customs Union (CU), the Russian-Kazakh economic relations cannot take place in the EU format. Russia itself needs in the establishment of high-tech industries and innovative systems and large-scale foreign direct investment (FDI). It is not well developed enough transnational companies (TNCs), which excludes the flow of technology to enhance the knowledge-intensity of the secondary sector of the economy of Kazakhstan. Russia is considered the leader in the high-tech military-industrial complex (MIC), including the electronics industry, nano-technologies, etc. However the question of whether Russia is ready to share them with Kazakhstan is still a debate. Geographic Science of Kazakhstan aims to solve the most complex problems of the Kazakh- Russian relations at parity co-operation and expansion of the zone of vital interests of the country, with regional and geopolitical situation in the world.