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New economical point of growth is the new fountainhead of economical growth, can bring the new vigor for the economy. The study of the new economical point of growth should be based on the continual economical growth and the incessant economical development. In the fundamental research part, first taking the economical growth, the economical development and the economical point of growth theories as the foundation, analyzed the economical growth and the economical development connotation, embarked from the product, analyzes and has limited the economical point of growth and the new economical point of growth concept and the characteristic. The economical point of growth take the product as a core, produces, the change and the shift unceasingly. Compares with the economical point of growth, the new economical point of growth is the new product and its the set which refers to has strong latent or the realistic market demand, will have in the future continues the high rate of increment and the formidable economical penetrability and the diffusion effect, soon will grow to the national economy the powerful impetus function, will guide the national economy development direction.
     The new economical point of growth has the unique essential characteristic:
     (1) some product or the product group, the enterprise or the enterprise group, industrial or the industrial group, current is not the economical point of growth, has the potentiality, but competitive power, will be able to display the superiority and the impetus effect in the future, the promotion economy growth;
     (2) some product or the product group, enterprise or the enterprise group, industrial or the industrial group, market demand broad, the market capacity or dives the quantity to be huge, has the very strong trend of escalation;
     (3) some product or the product group, the enterprise or the enterprise group, industrial or the industrial group, can take the technical innovation as the growth power, has very strong technical growing capacity, the technical life long, the economic life is also long , can realize the economic intensification;
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