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In recent years, same-sex marriage has attracted a great deal of attention in the whole world. Now, it becomes even more controversial in some countries. Why and how should we protect this right? Different person has different answers, but it is very important for us to do some research on this issue. As homosexuals are not only in the closet any more, they are trying their best to pursue the rights belonging to them. There are so many difficulties on the way, including law, religion and moral. Meanwhile, the equal rights and liberty cannot be protected very well.
     The writer tries to analyze this issue in the perspective of legitimacy, including constitutional basis and legal basis. The writer uses empirical analysis, historical analysis, case analysis and comparative analysis to explore this problem, and at the same time, the writer analyzes the provisions of the constitutional text, summarizes the historical development of same-sex marriage, compares the classic cases of Canada, the United States and other countries, and selects different modes of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States to protect the right of same-sex marriage.
     The first part is the introduction of two concepts about the legalization of same-sex marriage, homosexual and same-sex marriage. In the second charter, the writer tries to do some research on the theoretical basis on this issue, including the constitutional basis(equal right, liberty and the right to marry), legal basis(marriage law, adoption law, tax, inherit and personality rights). In part3, the writer tries to analyze the mode of other countries, including Canada, UK and USA. In the last charter, the writer analyzes the experience we can learn from the three countries, know more about our country, pay more attention on the law interpretation and try our best to help the homosexual organizations do more about the legalization of same-sex marriage, and at the same time,become more active.
     To sum up, after knowing more about the legalization and the theoretical basis of the legalization, the writer tries to conclude some useful experience, and give some advice on this issue.
    ①Don't ask,don't tell,The threat of gay soldiers, http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2010/05/dont_ask_dont_tell,最后访问时间2012年6月20日。
    ④Peter W. Hogg,Canada:The Constitution and same-sex marriage,4 International Journal of Constitution Law,719 (2008).
    ① LGBT Rights, Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Project, http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights最后访问时间2013年1月10日。
    ④Ten Percent Society, http://www.und.nodak.edu/org/tenps/,最后访问时间2012年3月22日。
    ⑤See Eagle v. Canada, [1995]2S.CR.513.
    ③"The ceremonial union of two people of the same sex; a marriage or marriage-like relationship between two women and two men", Black's Law Dictionary, Thomson.West.Group, the 9th edition, p.1061.
    ①Civil Partnership Ac t2004, http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/33/contents最后访问时间2012年12月25月。
    ②Civil Marriage Act, http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/LegislativeSummaries/bills_ls.asp?ls=c38&Parl=38&Ses=1,最后访问时间2012年12月25日。
    ④See Halpern v. Canada,[2003] O.J. No.2268.
    ① Robert Wintemute, Sexual Orientation and the Charter. The Achievement of Formal Legal Equality(1985-2005)and Its Limits,4 McGill Law Journal,1049 (2004).
    ③ See Romer v. Evans,517 U.S.620(1996).
    ④ See Baehr v. Lewin,74 Haw.530,852 P.2d 44 (1993).
    ① Evan Gerstman, Same-sex Marriage and the Constitution, Cambridge University Press(2004), pp45-46.
    ②Laurence H. Trib, Lawrence V. Texas:The "Fundamental Right" That Dare Not Speak Its Name,117 Harvard Law Review,1904 (2004).
    ① Christine Davies, Canadian Same-Sex Marriage Litigation:Individual Rights, Community Strategy,66 U.T. Fac. L. Rev.133(2008).
    ② Laura Jane Houghton, Same-sex Marriage:A Perfectionist Liberal justification,2000 UCL Jurisprudence Rev.301
    ③ Kenji Yoshino,The New Equal Protection,124Harvard Law Review(749-750)2011.
    ④ See Bowers v.Hardwick,478 U.S,186(1986)
    ⑤ See Lawrence v.Texas,537U.S.1044(2002)
    ⑥ Legal Information, Institution, http://www.law.comell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0478_0186_ZC.html,最后访问时间2012年12月23日。
    ⑦Legal Information, http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/pdf/02-102P.ZO,最后访问时间2012年12月23日。
    ①See Lochner v. New York,198U.S.45(1905).
    ②See Lochner v. New York,388U.S(1967).
    ③"The legal union of a couple as spouses", Black's Law Dictionary, Thomson. West Group,9th ed., p1059并且给出了合法婚姻应当包含的3个要件:双方具有签订婚约的合法的能力,相互承诺以及是在法律中已经描述的形式。
    ④民事婚姻法案(Civil Marriage Act) http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/LegislativeSummaries/bills_ls.asp?ls=c38&Parl=38&Ses=1,最后访问时间2013年12月25日。
    ②See Reference re Same-Sex Marriage, [2004] 3 S.C.R.698
    ③See Halpern v.Canada [2003] O.J. No.2268.
    Declaration of Sexual Rights, http://www.un.org/zh/documents/udhr/#atop,最后访问时间2013年1月24日。
    ①See Lawrence v.Texas,538 U.S.558(2003).
    ②See Bowers v.Hardwick,478U.S.186(1986).在该案中联邦最高法院认为佐治亚州鸡奸法合宪.
    ③Evan Gerstman, Same-sex Marriage and the Constitution, Cambridge University Press (2004), pp.104-105.
    ①See Egan v. Canada,[1995] 2 S.C.R.513.
    ④《联合国十著人民权利宣言》,http.///www. un.org/Docs/asp/ws.asp?m=A/RES/61/295,最后访问时间2013年2月9日。
    ② See Egan v. Canada, [1995] 2 S.C.R.513.
    ③国际同性恋人权委员会(International Gay &Lesbian Human Rights Commission). http://www.iglhrc.org/cgi-bin/iowa/article/pressroom/pressrelease/1169.html,,最后访问时间2012年11月13日。
    ①See M.(V.) & W.(L.)(2011).
    ③Civil Union Act 2004,s4(1).
    ②转引自Fiona Kelly, (Re)forming Parenthood:The Assignment of Legal Parentage Within Planned Lesbian,4 Ottawa.L. Rev.187 (2008-2009).
    ③ [1998] NZFLR 961.
    ①Catherine Martin Christopher, Will Filing Status Be Portable? Tax Implications of Interest Recognition of Same-sex Marriage,4 Pitt. Tax Rev.140(2007).
    ②The Vermont Guide to Civil Unions (2006), http://www.sec.state.vt.us/otherprg/civilunions/civilunions.html.2013年1月29日最后访问。
    ②英国边境局(UKBA) http://britishhighcommissions.com/?requestType=form&view=Search+results&simpleOrAdvanced=simple&page=1&co ntentType=All&searchTerm=+the+United+Kingdom+Immigration+Rules+&Submit=Go,2013年2月8日最后访问。
    ① Christine Davies, Canadian Same-Sex Marriage Litigation:Individual Rights, Community Strategy,66 U.T. Fac. L. Rev.101,p.116.
    ②这个制度是R. v. Oakes一案所明确的,目的在于证明对宪章的违反是否具有迫切和切实的目标以及是否是合理的,一般认为这个测试是对《宪章》权利的一项合理限制。
    ③See Egan v. Canada,[2003] O.J. No.2268
    ①原文是Reference to the Supreme Court of Canada on Civil Marriage and the Legal Recognition,但足由于加拿大司法部网站史新删除了这一内容,笔者在加拿大最高法院的回答中总结出了这份Reference的主要内容,[2004]3S.C.R.698.
    ③Civil Partnership Act 2004, http://www.uk-civil-partnership-act-2004.co.uk/s-2#aofs,最后访问时间2013年2月25日。
    ⑤Marriage Bill Committee announce evidence programme. http://www.parliament.uk/business/news/2013/february/marriage-same-sex-couples-bill-committee-announce-evidence-programme/,最后访问时间2013年2月20日。
    ③ John Nicodemo,"Homosexuals, Equal Protection, and the Guarantee of Fundamental Rights in the New Decade:An Optimist's Quasi-Suspect View of Recent Events and Their Impact on Heightened Scrutiny For Sexual Orientation-Based Discrimination",28Touro Law Review,302(2012).
    ⑤ 1USC § 7-Definition of "marriage" and "spouse", http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/1/7.最后访问时间2013年2月13日。
    ⑥DOMA, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/23/obama-doma-unconstitutional_n_827134.html,最后访问时间 2013年2月13日。
    ①何水红:《基本权利限制的宪法审查 以审查基准及其类型化为焦点》,法律出版社2009年版,第80页。
    ③Evan Gerstmann,The Constitutional Underclass:Gays, Lesbians, and the Failure of Class-Based Equal Protection,University of Chicago Press(1999),p.62.
    ①Peter W. Hogg, Canada:The Constitution and the same-sex marriage,4 International Journal of Constitutional Law 714(2006).
    ②Evan Gerstmann,The Constitutional Underclass:Gays, Lesbians, and the Failure of Class-Based Equal Protection, University of Chicago,1999,p.59.
    ④ 517 U.S.620(1996).
    ③李银河:“同性婚姻立法再受挫 吴建民称太超前”,http://news.sohu.com/20060305/n242133427.shtml,最后访问时间2013年1月6日。
    ① Christine Davies, Canadian Same-Sex Marriage Litigation:Individual Rights, Community Strategy,66 U.T. Fac. L. Rev.11(2008)
    1.Evan Gerstman, Same-sex marriage and the Constitution, Cambridge University Press (2004).
    2.Evan Gerstman, The Constitutional Underclass:Gays, Lesbians, and the failure of class-based equal protection, University of Chicago Press (1999).
    3.Kenji Yoshino, Covering:The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights, Random House Publishing Group (2007).
    1.Christine Davies, Canadian Same-Sex Marriage Litigation:Individual Rights, Community Strategy,66 U.T. Fac. L. Rev.116(2008).
    2.Robert Wintemute, Sexual Orientation and the Charter:The Achievement of Formal Legal Equality(1985-2005)and Its Limits,49McGill L.J.,1049(2004).
    3.Laura Jane Houghton, Same-sex Marriage:A Perfectionist Liberal justification, 2000 UCL Jurisprudence Rev.301(2000).
    4.Kenji Yoshino, New Equal Protection,124Harvard Law Review(749-750)2011.
    5.John Nicodemo, Homosexuals, Equal Protection, and the Guarantee of Fundamental Rights in the New Decade:An Optimist's Quasi-Suspect View of Recent Events and Their Impact on Heightened Scrutiny For Sexual Orientation-Based Discrimination, 28U.T.Fac.L.Rev.,302(2012).
    6.Laurence H. Tribe, Lawrence V. Texas:The Fundamental Right That Dare Not Speak Its Name,117 Harv. L.Rev.,1904 (2004)
    7.Peter W. Hogg, Canada:The Constitution and same-sex marriage,4 International Journal of Constitutional Law714(2006).
    8.Catherine Martin Christopher, Will Filing Status Be Portable? Tax Implications of Interest Recognition of Same-sex Marriage,4 Pitt. Tax Rev.140(2007).
    9.Fiona Kelly, (Re)forming Parenthood:The Assignment of Legal Parentage Within Planned Lesbian,4 Ottawa.L.Rev.187(2008-2009).