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After the victory of the October Revolution,as the main leaders of the world’s first ruling proletariat political party,Lenin explored on the thought to enhance the partys ability to response to the international situation. The early establishiment of Soviet power was surrounded by imperialism, in order to consolidate the new regime,strive for a favorable international and domestic environment, recover and develop national economy,its necessary to improve Russian Communist Party(bolshevik)’s this capacity.Lenin’s this thought had a profound influence on the afterward Proletariat incumbent parties.In the new century,with the surging upward of the globalization and more and more obvious of the multipolarization tendency, studies Lenin's this thought helps to clear the origin of the thought to enhance the partys ability to response to the international situation,it is helpful to understand and assure time situation,it’s also support to strive for and maitain foreign policy of peaceful coexistence.On the existing research foundation ,this paper discusses the thought’s background, primary coverage and significances.
     This article discusses three main aspects:
     The first part,analyses the thought’s background. First,Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)became the ruling party,what made it came to face the complex domestic situation, which displays in two aspects :changes in the status of the party urged it to face with new challanges and the new duty and the new request put forward from“seizing Russia”to“managent Russia”.Second,The Communist Party of Russia (bolshevik) is facing the stern international situation,Soviet Russia is facing the First World War's puzzle,at the same time,the Communist Party of Russia (bolshevik) must strive for advantageous international environment to consolidae the newborn political power.
     The second part,analyses the thought’s primary coverage. First,Enhance the party's ability to grasp the characteristics of the times. Correctly judge international situation, clearly recognizes the time essence, the characteristic and the evolved tendency is important basis to crorrectly deal with the international situation and Participates in the international affairs.Second,enhances the party’s ability to defeat powerful enemy's. It’s condition and guarantee to peaceful coexistence. Third,enhance the party’s ability to judge the international situation. After meeting enemies’s powerful attack, Soviet Russia and the imperialist countries are in the balance condition, it has the influential role to the develop economy, and is promise to live in peace together with the capitalist country.Fourth,enhance the party's ability to strive for peaceful coexistence.Lenin’s thought on peaceful coexistence has rich dialectical thought and bright struggle consciousness.Fifth,enhances the party’s ability to carry out the economical contact,this is the primary and fundamental task of ruling party.Lenin realizes profoundly on the possibility and the necessity to carry on the economical contact with the capitalist country and carried on some explorations to the economical contact's form.Sixth,enhances the party’s ability to expand the international combination, this is the development and inheritance to Marxism's internationalism thought.
     The third part, analyses the thought’s significances.First,Lenin put forward the thought that Socialism and capitalism can coexistence peacefully,it’s development to the thought proposed Marx and Engels that Two different system's national oppositions are in opposition and struggle.Lenin proposes the slogan“The world proletarian and the oppressed nation to join up”is the development to the slogan proposed by Marx and Engels“The world proletarian joins up”.Second, under this thought’s instruction,Russian Commumist Party (Bolshevik) grandually increased ability to cope with the international situation,played an important role to consolidate the ruling position of the Bolshevik Party.Third,Russia insisted on peaceful coexistence in diplomatic activities with the other countries,which has great significance to improve international relations.Finally,it has a major inspiration on the later ruling party building.
     Under Lenin’s this thought,New China hold the pursue with Third world countries together carry on opposes imperialism opposes hegemony and maintain the world peace the struggle, has profited from Lenin's peaceful coexistence thought, and developed the independent peaceful foreign policy gradually,which already became the basic maxim which the international society recognizes in processing country relations. In recent development phase, enhance the ability to deal with the international situation and processing international affairs is one primary mission of the party's ruling ability construction, is the request to comprehensively construct a affluent society and maintains the world peace, promot communal development. Obviously, Communist Party of China continuously under Lenin’s this thought instruction, strengthen and the improve party's construction, develops Lenin's this though to a new stage, has poured into the formidable vitality for Lenin's this thought.
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