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" Be disgusted with to learn the Chinese" at the language educate up appear of the phenomenon of student's" annoy the study"," would not like to study”. This phenomenon of widespread existence in current primary and junior high school student. Serious became the language to be disgusted with to learn the disease. Be disgusted with to learn the main performance of language for study in the language classroom up can't concentrate, the attention can't concentrate, toughing to walk absolute being, confused and worried, sit not to live, impatience, particularly is to complete towards write, reading the tired of mental state, the homework dalliance, hardly on time, the record of writing is crabbed, usually coming amiss, studying the efficiency low, easily forgetful, the result is bad, although through educate hard change, serious the hour appears the lying and plays truant, flees. Being disgusted with to learn the language phenomenon is concrete performance that the student is disgusted with to learn the behavior and be disgusted with to learn the mental state in language study. My school is south rather the city West Country pond District belong to of a common junior high school, also exist the language classroom of the certain degree to be disgusted with to learn the phenomenon equally in each grade and each classes. Although have the serious language classroom to be disgusted with the student who learn the phenomenon in the student in my school not much, according to peacetime the teacher respond, there is part in the class, too be disgusted with to learn the student, according to the questionnaire check a has the language to be disgusted with to learn the circumstance of 120 student, have 23.5%, more serious 33 people, have 6.47%. These students, such as hour of can not compare with, correct and cure, being disgusted with to learn motion would more and more strong, affect the study of the language lesson of be the foundation course by all means, even probably affect them whole life of study. So be urgent mission of teacher of language be is disgusted with to learn the motion to want to the language classroom what high school student appear in time of analysis and thorough system carry on science research, seek the wrong source, look for to resolve the path effectively, at the time of student needing most to help the hand that stretch out to help, give them the one blue sky. T This text is from the society, school, family, be disgusted with learn the detailed inquisition of various aspect of etc. of student of language analyze the influence and induct the junior high school to can pall the factor of learn the language, the dint diagram for solve the early high school can pall learn the language provide the dependable basis, according to the influence, induct the student be disgusted with the reason of learn the language, this text from change go to school the language education, improve the home education, improve the language classroom teaching and stir up the student the language learning motive etc. puts forward the understanding definitely the early high school cans pall the strategy of learn the language, the help be disgusted with learn the language, student bitterly study the language, pursue studies rare each section study beat good foundation, thus and healthily and completely develop.
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