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  • 英文题名:Study on Taxpayers' Rights and Its Legal Protection
  • 作者:辛国仁
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:法学理论
  • 学位年度:2007
  • 导师:马新福
  • 学科代码:030101
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2007-04-20
The thesis researches taxpayers’rights in scientific and uniform aspect on the basis of respecting citizen’s rights and limiting the civic rights in Constitutional Regime, drawing lessons from achievements on the right theories in the field of law and philosophy and the fundamental theories of tax laws in our country. From the perspective of the constitutional regime, with regard to“the new constitutional regime theory”and the theory of“the finance constitutionalism”in the west and the object mode and the ideal of reforming the current finance system, the scope of the research on taxpayers’rights has been expanded. Taxpayers’rights are“the rights cluster”, and rights in the Constitution, the Tax Basic Law and tax laws are discussed considering the integrity of the right system. From the perspective of promoting the rank of right and limiting the civic rights, it is debated that material foundations for the government to provide the public products or services mostly come from the tax revenue and the government is using taxpayers’money to handle affairs for taxpayers in essence. The equality of both sides in taxation should be maintained for social justice. In the aspect of legislation, execution of law and justice, the way of thinking and measures of perfecting taxpayers’rights protection system is put forward.
     The 1st Chapter the General Outline of Taxpayers’Rights. This part corresponds to the study of“Ontology”of taxpayers’rights, including the essence, property and types of taxpayers’rights. With the reference in lessons from the research on the right theories in the field of law and philosophy and the fundamental theories of tax laws, the unilateral emphasis on the idea of taxpayers’duties in our country has been abandoned, and the important functions of taxpayers’rights in remolding the relations among tax laws have been highlighted, indicating that the taxpayers’rights are to resist or limit national taxation duty. From three aspects, multiple relations in tax laws among taxpayers, tax authorities and the nation are to be discussed, especially stressing that the relations between taxpayers and the nation are the start of remolding the relations among tax laws. Taxpayers’rights are the system of rights or“the rights cluster”in other words and should be clearly stated mainly according to the Constitution and the Tax Basic Law.
     The 2nd Chapter Taxpayers’Rights under the Constitutional Regime. From the perspective of the constitutional regime, rights (human rights) and taxpayers’rights have been studied. The basic meaning of the constitutional regime is" the limit of power", and to strengthen taxpayers’rights is to limit the power to the nation (tax authority), the two aspects of one problem. At the same time, the theories of the constitutional regime may be divided into“the old constitutional regime theory”and " the new constitutional regime theory". With regard to the old one, glorifying taxpayers’rights aims to limit the abuse of national power; according to the new one, taxpayers (citizen) should participate actively in national administration (tax authority) management, which is the idea of participant democracy in modern constitutional regime, and the research on taxpayers’rights has been intensified, integrating the research fruits in the new and old constitutional regime theories. In addition, this part has drawn lessons from the theory of " the finance constitutionalism" in the school of public choice, and combined the object mode of reforming the finance system and the ideal of perfecting the constitutional regime so as to expand the research range of taxpayers’rights.
     The 3rd Chapter Discussions about Taxpayers’Rights. Taxpayers’rights are“the rights cluster”and rich in content involving the rights not only in tax laws but also on the Constitution. In the past, the system research on taxpayers’rights was not complete based on the Law of the Administration of Tax Collection in neglect of research in the field of the Constitution or the Tax Basic Law, because the research on the Constitution and tax laws relatively fell behind and both were not linked in research in a good way. Though we have set out the rights that taxpayers can enjoy in the Law of the Administration of Tax Collection, they only refer to the ones in the course of tax law execution, for short of the constitutional or basic rights that taxpayers possess, for example the basic life maintenance right, the tax revenue usage knowing right, the taxpayers’applying for hearing right and the Constitution violation inspection right etc.. As far as the completion of right system is concerned, even though the pivot of taxpayers’rights protection is in the course of tax law execution, we should stand on the Constitution or the tax basic law to know taxpayers’rights thoroughly. The thesis has relied on the advanced experiences from United States and Germany in the Constitution, the Tax Basic Law and the Tax Administration Procedure Law, and set forth taxpayers’rights theoretically in those areas. Rights, The basic rights of a taxpayer mainly include:
     First of all, the tax participant right. It includes“the right to decide tax”and“the right to participate in taxation”. In the 1st provision of the 8th article in the modified the Law of the Administration of Tax Collection, taxpayers and withholding agents have the right to comprehend the tax laws, the administration regulations and tax procedures of the nation, which provides the taxpayer with the knowing right. But we consider that taxpayers should have the right to know how the tax laws are used and whether they are legal and reasonable or not, besides possessing the right of understanding and knowing laws, regulations and rules and how to pay tax etc.. Endowed with those rights, taxpayers can help preventing from discretional tax collection and any violations in the process of using tax revenue.
     The second, the right to be treated equally. With regard to taxpayers, on the one hand, they possess the right to be treated equally as the other no matter the difference in economic property and status etc.; on the other hand, they have the right to request the tax authority to treat tax matters fairly and equally in tax disputes, in other words that all the taxpayers should be treated equally. The“equality”here mainly indicates that taxpayers and tax authorities are equal in legal status, namely that each possesses legal rights and fulfils legal duties. On the account of tax authorities, though they have the power to collect tax, on the one hand, they shouldn't override their own rights on taxpayers and injure taxpayers’interests at will; on the other hand, they should be aware that collecting tax is not only the right that they possess but also the duty and responsibility, that is to collect tax by law in the course of performing the right to collect tax. Between the two sides in taxation, the idea of equality may prevent tax authorities from injuring taxpayers’legal interests at will by the right of collecting tax and the protection of taxpayers’rights may probably become realistic.
     The third, the basic life maintenance right. Taxation is to limit the properties of citizens, and this kind of limit must guarantee the basic life maintenance of citizens, which embodies the respect for living right of citizens in the society of ruling by law.
     The fourth, the democratic inspection right. It includes the administration reconsideration right, the administration litigation right and the future constitution violation inspection right.
     The 4th Chapter the Significance of Taxpayers’Rights Protection. First of all, to build up taxpayers’rights consciousness is just to limit the public rights and transform government functions. For long time, the service and right consciousness of the government in our country is weak, and the“master”position of taxpayers cannot gain the respect and be shown, which has affected the realization of taxpayers’rights. In some sense, the government is substantially similar to a special industry section in market economy, to provide the public products or services for taxpayers. Material foundations for the government to provide the public products or services mostly come from the tax revenue and the government is using taxpayers’money to handle affairs for taxpayers in essence. The second, the consciousness of ruling by law should be strengthened, the fair relations between both sides of collecting and paying tax should be set up, and the positions of both sides should be defended. In the new situation, the persistence in taxation by law requires firmly establishing the consciousness of the equality in two sides of collecting and paying tax, corresponding and balancing rights and duties of both sides. We should pay attention to the publicity of the basic contents, means and measures of taxpayers’rights, further improve legal system of taxpayers’rights, smooth the mechanism of realization and protection of taxpayers’rights and complete the roles of taxpayers. Tax authorities should think little of power, enhance the service consciousness and switch the powers in tax authorities to the duties and responsibilities to serve taxpayers. Again, to set up the harmonious society requires caring the social minority community such as rights of farmers and canceling the agriculture tax to lighten farmers’burden for social justice.
     The 5th Chapter Perfection of Taxpayers’Rights System. First of all, in the aspect of legislation, it is suggested that taxpayers’rights, as the basic rights of citizens, are defined by modifying the Constitution through legal procedures, thus to make taxpayers’rights in accordance with the duties in the Constitution as well as provide the basis for taxpayers’rights protection legislation. From abroad, some of taxpayers’rights may exist in the Taxpayers’Rights Charter or the Taxpayers’Rights Bill, and some may be stipulated in the Tax Basic Law or the General Principles of Tax Law. As above-mentioned, taxpayers’rights in the modified the Law of the Administration of Tax Collection, are not complete. Therefore, it is necessary to draw lessons from Japan and Korea etc. to constitute the Tax Basic Law, so as to regulate taxpayers’rights on the concentrated and uniform basis. In addition, the establishment of the Tax Basic Law is advantageous to unify each current tax law and provide scientific and sufficient legislation basis to systematize and regulate the tax law system. That will take an active effect in making up national tax law system and preventing the contents belonging to basic law from scattering in each regulation, which makes the legislative spirit not clear and in disunity. It is urgent to reform the current legislation system and avoid the improper expansion of taxation right. The 90th article in the Constitution states that the orders, directions and regulations within the right scope should be in accordance with the administrative regulations, decisions and orders by the ministries and councils in the State Council. And the same statements exist in the 71st article of the Legislation Law. Tax authorities have the right to formulate the regulations by those statements. However, that tax authorities focus legislative and administrative powers in law execution on themselves may result in continuous expansion of taxation right, and goes against protection of taxpayers’rights. Therefore, it is quite necessary to reform the current tax legislation system. We suggest canceling rights for tax authorities to draw up regulations in order to explain tax laws.
     The second, the restriction in taxation organization and officers’behavior should be enforced. Strengthening the supervision upon administration organizations is an important measure to guarantee administration by law. It is required to strengthen the supervision on law execution, avoid corruption, infringe upon the interests of taxpayers and withholding agents, at the time of enforcing the administration of tax collection and tax law execution. Tax collection is not only the right taken by tax authorities representing the nation, but also the duties and responsibilities that should be fulfilled. According to the principle of taxation regulated by law, tax authorities cannot tax more or less, even not collect tax, but only exercise taxation right by tax law, or else take the corresponding responsibilities. At the same time, taxpayers’rights impartation system should be established, meaning that tax authorities should inform taxpayers of the rights that they should have and avoid inappropriate infringement on taxpayers’rights at the time of collecting tax, inspecting taxation and punishing the illegal behaviors.
     The third, in the aspect of justice, the scope of cases concerning tax administration litigation should be expanded, so that the system of inspection on the violation of the Constitution may take positive effect.
     The fourth, the establishment of organizations and agencies in defending taxpayers’rights. Compared with tax authorities of executing taxation right, taxpayers are placed in inferior position. Therefore, in many cases, taxpayers have difficulty in maintaining their own interests. In this aspect, we can draw lessons from the United States to establish an autonomous organization---a taxpayer association for supporting their rights. The taxpayer association can provide them with the consultation service of paying tax and immediately get to know the suggestions and advices on the current tax laws and the administration of tax collection and send the feedback to relevant organizations, which will play an active role in perfecting current tax laws and reforming the current administrative system of tax collection. To be more important, the taxpayer association can protect taxpayers in the process of paying tax. The advanced lessons from taxpayers’defending rights will be helpful to try to build up taxpayers’autonomous organizations of our country in the future, and that is also an effective measure for citizens in the society of ruling by law to participate in the national administration by social self-government.
① 美国联邦最高法院前任首席大法官约翰·马歇尔(John Marshall)在“马卡洛诉马里兰州”(McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.)316,431(1819).)一案中,为捍卫联邦主权警惕州权膨胀而在判决中写下这样具有警示的话。
    ② 1928 年同样是美国联邦最高法院大法官的奥利弗·霍姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.),他在 Panhanddle Oil Co. v. State of Mississippi Ex Rel. Knox 一案中说,“当有了法庭之后,征税的权力并非意味着毁灭的权力”(The power to tax is not the power to destroy while this Court sits)。
    ① 美国于 1988 年通过了《纳税人权利法案》(1996 年进行了修订),加拿大于 1985 年通过了《纳税人权利宣言》,英国于 1986 年制定了《纳税人权利宪章》,OECD 为其成员国制定了《纳税人宣言》范本等。
    ② 例如周刚志:《论公共财政与宪政国家:作为财政宪法学的一种理论前言》,北京大学出版社 2005年版。
    ① 例如日本税法学者金子宏认为不能将税收法律关系基本的和中心的关系仍为债务关系,是一种“公法上的债务”。(注:参见〔日〕金子宏:《日本税法原理》,第 18-21 页。)
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    ① David Wootton(ed),Divine Right and Democracy,An Anthology of PoliticalWriting in Stuart England,1986,PP.168—171.
    ① 《辞海》,上海辞书出版社,1989 年版,第 1411 页。
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    ② Richard A. Epstein, “Taxation in a Lockean World” (1986) 4:1 Soc. Phil. & Pol’y 49 at 49.
    ③ Geoffrey Brennan & James M. Buchanan, The Power to Tax: Analytical Foundations of a Fiscal Constitution (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2000) at 11 (征税权就是“拿走”的权力).
    ④ Graeme S. Cooper, “Income Tax Law and Contributive Justice: Some Thoughts on Defining and Expressing a Consistent Theory of Tax Justice and Its Limitations” (1986) 3 Aus. Tax Forum 297 at 297 (“政府强迫公民接受的征税是对公民私人财产权的一种没收”).
    ① 崔之元:《财产权与宪法之关系的比较研究》,《读书》2003 年第 4 期。
    ② 该原则源于法国人权宣言第 4 条的规定,即承认只有经过立法者同意并且形诸法律后,国家才可以限制人民的权利。参见陈新民:《德国公法学基础理论》下,山东人民出版社 2001 年版,第335 页。
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    ① 根据日本学者北野弘久的概括,他认为纳税人的基本权利包括以下 7 点:(1)最低生活费等非课税权利;(2)接受“正当程序”的权利;(3)对违法课税处分等有接受救济的权利;(4)管理租税征收和用途等权利;(5)工薪阶层纳税者权利;(6)纳税者的个人秘密保护;(7)要求公开情报和参加财政预算安排的权利,等等。北野弘久认为,纳税者基本权的具体化和现实化的程度,反映着一个国家的民主、和平与福利、以及人权等等的保障水平。换句话说,21 世纪国家社会的和平、福利、人权等的保障,是由国际社会各国的纳税者基本权的具体化和现实化的程度来决定的。其次,纳税者基本权问题是一系列税法基本理论问题研究的出发点和基本立场。因此,应当将维护纳税者基本权利贯穿于税法理论的始终。他认为,只有把纳税人基本权作为税法研究的核心概念,并在这种理论框架下研究税法的理论问题,才可能解决税法学的基本认识问题、本质问题。转引自姚轩鸽:《21 世纪将会是和平·福利的租税国家社会——著名税法学家北野弘久教授访谈》,人民网,http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/40553/3491366.html,2005 年 6 月 23 日 10:48。
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    ② [日]北野弘久:《税法学原论》,陈刚等译,中国检察出版社 2001 年版,第 58 页。
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    ② 王绍光:评《权利的代价——为什么自由依赖于税》,转载自学术观察 http://www.oao.com.cn,2005 年 8 月 4 日访问。
    ① J. Raz,On the Nature of rights,in xciii Mind(1984),p.194。
    ① 关于这一方面的进一步的讨论,参见 Ronald M. Dworkin,A Matter of Principle,Oxford(1985),chapter 3。
    ② 黄俊杰:《税捐基本权》,《台大法学论丛》第 33 卷第 2 期,第 116 页。
    ① 这一概念是由康乃尔大学教授萨默思在一篇有关法律程序价值的论文中提出的。但是萨默思教授在其论文中拒绝使用“内在价值”(intrinsic value)这一概念,而使用“过程价值”(process value)。其实,“过程价值”可能导致一种认识上的误解,即认为这些价值只是“过程”的,而与结果无关。但事实上,程序自身所具有的价值与结果有效性并不是必然相互排斥的。“内在价值”的概念暗示,程序自身的价值对结果而言也可以具有有效性。参见 Robert S. Summers,"Evaluating and Improving Legal Procedure –A Plea For 'ProcessValues'”, in 60 Cornell Law Review Vol.(1974),p.3。
    ② A. V. Dicey, Introduction to The Studyof Law of Constitution,(1952,9th edition),p.202。
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    ① Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (Washington, 1904), I, 63-73.
    ① “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society,” declared Supreme Court. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Compa?ia de Tabacos v. Collector , 275 U.S. 87, 100 (1904).
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    ① Dicey: "An Introduction to the Study bf the law of the Constitution" ,the tenth ed. ,P40(7).
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    ② 我国台湾地区一般译为“税捐法定主义”,与“税收法定主义”含义无异。
    ① [德]奥托·迈耶著,刘飞译:《德国行政法》,商务印书馆 2002 年版,第 72 页。
    ② [日]金子宏:《日本税法原理》,刘多田等译,中国财政经济出版社 1989 年版,第 48 页。
    ① [英]亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(下卷),郭大力、王亚南译,商务印书馆1974 年版,第 384 页。
    ② [日]北野弘久:《税法学原论》(第 4 版),陈刚、杨建广等译,中国检察出版社 2001 年版,第95-113 页。
    ① [英] 丹宁:《法律的正当程序》,李克强,杨百揆,刘庸安译,北京:法律出版社 1999 年版,前言。
    ② 陈瑞华:《刑事审判原理论》,北京:北京大学出版社 1997 年版,第 55-56 页。
    ③ [美]杰罗姆·巴伦,托马斯·迪恩斯:《美国宪法概论》,刘瑞祥等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社 1995 年版,第 128 页。
    ④ [美]本杰明·卡多佐:《司法过程的性质》,苏力译,商务印书馆 1998 年版,第 46 页。
    ⑤ 谢晖:《价值重建与规范选择》,山东人民出版社 1998 年版,第 401 页。
    ① [美]罗伯特·达尔:《民主理论的前言》,商务印书馆 1999 年版,第 25 页。
    ① 《马克思恩格斯选集》第 1 卷,人民出版社 1972 年版,第 170 页。
    ② 《马克思恩格斯选集》第 5 卷,人民出版社 1958 年版,第 511 页。
    ③ [美]凯斯·R·孙斯坦:《自由市场与社会主义》,金朝武、胡爱平、乔聪启译,中国政法大学出版社 2002 年,第 295 页。
    ①《马克思恩格斯选集》第 1 卷,第 181 页,人民出版社 1972 年版。
    ① 转引自葛克昌:《行政程序与纳税人基本权》,北京大学出版社 2005 年版,第 100-101 页。
    ② [美]伯纳德·施瓦茨:《美国法律史》,王军译,中国政法大学出版社 1990 年版,第 306 页。
    ③ [美]史蒂芬·霍尔姆斯、凯斯·R.桑斯坦:《权利的成本——为什么自由依赖于税》,毕竞悦译,北京大学出版社 2004 年版,第 39-42 页。
    ① [英]霍布斯:《利维坦》,黎思复、黎廷弼译,商务印书馆 1985 年版,第 269 页。
    ② [英]洛克:《政府论》(下篇),叶启芳、瞿菊农译,商务印书馆 1964 年版,第 88~89 页。
    ③ [法]孟德斯鸠:《论法的精神》,张雁深译,商务印书馆 1987 年版,第 156 页。
    ① J.Allen and J.L.Betts, op.cit.P.77.
    ② 詹姆斯·布坎南、杰佛瑞·布伦南:《宪政经济学》,北京:中国社会科学出版社 2003 年,第31 页。
    ① 马骏:《中国公共预算改革:理性化与民主化》,中央编译出版社 2005 年,电子版。
    ① 刘剑文:《税法专题研究》,北京大学出版社 2002 年版,第 170 页。
    ② Justice Douglas’s comments in JointAnti-Fascist Refugee Comm. v. McGrath,341 U. S.123,179(1951).
    ① Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 US 479 (1965).
    ① 马骏:《中国公共预算改革:理性化与民主化》,中央编译出版社 2005 年,电子版。
    ② 郭道晖总主编:《当代中国立法》(上),中国民主法制出版社 1998 年版,第 165 页。
    ① [美]戴维·杜鲁门:《政府程序》,1951 年版,第 37 页。转引自李道揆:《美国政府和美国政治》,中国社会科学出版社 1990 年版,第 271 页。
    ② [美]彼得·沃尔主编,李洪等译:《美国政府内幕──人物与政治》,社会科学文献出版社 1992年版,第 115 页。
    ① 转引自陈瑞华:《通过法律实现程序正义——萨默斯“程序价值”理论评析》,载《北大法律评论》第 1 卷第 1 辑,第 197 页。
    ① 详细探讨参见葛克昌:《量能原则为税法结构性原则——与熊伟台北对话》,《月旦财经法杂志》2005 年第 6 期。
    ① [日]北野弘久著:《税法学原论》(第四版),陈刚等译,中国检察出版社 2001 年版,第 95-96 页。
    ② [日]金子宏著:《日本税法原理》,刘多田等译,中国财政经济出版社 1989 年版,第 55 页。
    ① “黄宗羲定律”是清华大学的秦晖教授在一篇论文中概括出来的。黄宗羲是明末清初的一位著名的思想家,是中国历史上研究农村税赋最深入、最系统的学者之一,他在对农村税赋的历史进行系统地研究后得出结论:历代税赋每改革一次,由于当时社会政治环境的局限性,农民负担在下降一段时间后会涨到一个比改革前更高的水平,形成愈改愈重的“怪圈”,走向了原先改革目的的反面。黄宗羲称之为“积重难返之害”,即历史上著名的“黄宗羲定律”。
    ② 陈晶晶:《2005 税改有多少期待》,《法制日报》2005 年 2 月 16 日,第 8 版。
    ③ [英]彼得·斯坦、约翰·香德:《西方社会的法律价值》,王献平译,中国人民公安大学出版社1989 年版,第 199 页。
    ④ [英]A.J.M.米尔恩:《人的权利与人的多样性――人权哲学》,夏勇、张志铭译,中国大百科全书出版社 1995 年版,第 155-156 页。
    ⑤ 韩德培:《人权的理论与实践》,武汉大学出版社 1995 年版,第 379 页。
    ① 葛克昌:《所得税与宪法》,北京大学出版社 2004 年版,第 41 页。
    ① [日]北野弘久:《税法学原论》(第四版),陈刚、杨建广等译,中国检察出版社 2000 年版,第100 页。
    ② [日]金子宏:《日本税法原理》,刘多田等译,中国财政经济出版社 1989 年版,第 362 页。
    ③ [日]金子宏:《日本税法原理》,刘多田等译,中国财政经济出版社 1989 年版,第 378-379 页。
    ①《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第 38、40 条。
    ② 萧榕主编:《世界著名法典选编宪法卷》,中国法律出版社 1997 年版,第 103 页。
    ③ 萧榕主编:《世界著名法典选编宪法卷》,中国法律出版社 1997 年版,第 103 页。
    ① 施正文:《论征纳权利——兼论税权问题》,《中国法学》2002 年第 6 期,第 7 页。
    ① The Taxpayer Bill of Rights III (Pub.L. 105-206, title III, 112 Stat. 685) is an Act of Congress enacted July 22, 1998.
    ① 施正文:《论征纳权利——兼论税权问题》,《中国法学》2002 年第 6 期,第 27 页。
    ① [英]威廉。韦德:《行政法》,中国大百科全书出版社 1997 年版,第 93 页。
    ② 关保英:《行政法的价值定位》,中国政法大学出版社 1997 年版,第 158 页。
    ① [美]伯纳德·施瓦茨:《行政法》,群众出版社 1986 年版,第 423 页。
    ② 在“弗拉斯特诉科恩案”中,最高法院裁定,一个联邦纳税人有诉讼资格对有利于教会学校的联邦开支提出质疑,理由是这种拨款违反了第一条修正案中不得确立国教条款。禁止确立国教的历史目的之一就是防止把政府的钱用于宗教。
    ③ [美]伯纳德·施瓦茨:《行政法》,群众出版社 1986 年版,第 423 页。
    ② 丽:《民主视野下的中国税收立法》,《财税法论丛》第 2 卷,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 7 页。
    ① 王人博、程燎原:《.法治论》,济南:山东人民出版社 2002 年版,第 68-69 页。
    ② Henry J·Abraham: "Essays on the Constitution of the U·S."
    ①参见李步云主编:《宪法比较研究》,法律出版社 1998 年版,第 573 页,程雁雷撰写部分。
     ① 反对无限政府观点的人认为:绝对的无限政府是不存在的,任何专制的政府也不能不受到各种因素的制约,如领导人生老病死的客观规律的影响。但是,即使是自然规律也无法有效地遏止无限政府的扩张倾向。这种倾向一直到它被新的政权取代之前是不会终止的。所以,这里所说的无限政府不是指一个政府受不受多种因素的影响,而是指它在权力、职能、规模上是否受到来自法律的限制和社会的监督与制约,以及当政府的权力、职能和规模超出法定界限时能否得到及时的纠正。相关内容参见刘军宁:《共和民主宪政》,上海:上海三联书店,1998 年,第 387 页。
    ① 刘军宁:《共和民主宪政——自由主义思想研究》,上海:三联书店,1998 年版,第 389 页。
    ① O. Mayer; Zur Lehre vom offentlich-rechtlichen Vertrage, AOR. Bd. 3, 1883, S. 42.
    ① [日]北野宏久:《税法学原论》(第四版),陈刚、扬建广等译,中国检察出版社 2001 年版,第159 页。
    ① 马克斯·韦伯:《官僚体制统治的本质、前提和发展》,韩水法编:《韦伯文集》,中国广播电视出版社 2000 年版,第 344 页。
    ② [德]彼德.巴杜拉:《在自由法治国与社会法治国中的行政法》,陈新民译,载陈新民:《公法学札记》,台湾省三民书局,1993 年版,第 112 页。
    ① [美]戴维·奥斯本、特德·盖布勒:《改革政府——企业精神如何改革着公营部门》,周敦仁等译,上海译文出版社 1996 年版,第 43~47 页。
    ① 李步云:《论人权的三种存在形态》,《法学研究》1991 年第 4 期。
    ② [英]米尔恩:《人的权利与人的多样性———人权哲学》,中国大百科全书出版社 1995 年,第153-179 页。
    ③ [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社 1988 年版,第 1-2 页。
    ① [美]约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,何怀宏等译,中国社会科学出版社 1988 年版,第 292 页。
    ① 谢新力:《从社会排斥的视角分析中国农民政治权利的实现》,载《江西社会科学》2003 年第10 期。
    ② 秦晖北大演讲:《中国农民问题》,2003 年 3 月 23 日。
    ③ 温家宝:《解决“三农”问题仍是重中之重》,新华网,http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/ 2005-03/05/content_2652588.htm,2005 年 3 月 5 日,10:02:39。
    ②《马克思恩格斯选集》第 1 卷,人民出版社 1972 年版,第 71 页。
    ③ 开放纳税人诉讼的相关论述参见梁慧星:《开放纳税人诉讼 以私权制衡公权》,“西北政法法援在线”网站,http://www.fx148.com/shownews.asp?newsid=243,2005 年 9 月 28 日访问。
    ① 孟德斯鸠:《论法的精神》,北京:商务印书馆,1987 年,第 156 页。
     ① 徐孟洲:《加强税收立法,全面推进依法治税》,在《税制改革十年研讨会》上的发言。
    ② 参见《建立健全我国税收法律体系》,吉林省国家税务局课题组。
    ① 这部分参考了汤贡亮:《对制定我国<税收基本法>的几点思考》,载刘隆亨:《财税法论坛——中国法学会财税法学研究会学术年会论文选编》,北大出版社 2005 年版,第 12 页。
    ① “建立纳税人诉讼制度的可行性探索”,中华财会网,http://www.e521.com/ztjj/zxzt/800008/ 1011141217.htm,2005-10-11。
    ① “[a]ll legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,” U.S. CONST. art. I, § 1.
    ① Joesph A. Pechman, Federal Tax Policy, revised de., W·W·Norton & Company, Inc., 1971,p.38.
    ② [美]伯纳德·施瓦茨:《行政法》,徐炳泽,群众出版社 1986 年版,第 7 页。
    ① J.W.Hampton Jr. Co.v.United States, 276 U.S.394 (1928) .
    ② 行政国家首先是一种国家公共职能现象,其次是一种国家公共权力现象,同时也是一种公共事务管理现象,主要是指 19 世纪末 20 世纪初,与垄断的进程相一致,尤其是第二次世界大战以后,在资本主义国家立法、司法、行政三权分立的国家权力主体的关系中,行政权力和活动扩展,具有制定同议会立法效力相当的行政命令权和取得同法院判决效力相近的行政裁判权,大量直接管理和介入国家事务和社会事务,从而起着最活跃和最强有力国家作用的一种国家现象。参阅张国庆主编:《行政管理学概论》,北京大学出版社 2000 年版,第 16—17 页。姜明安教授认为,所谓“行政国家”是指人类社会发展到这么一个阶段-国家行政权渗透到人们社会生活的各个领域,人们在其生命的整个过程中都离不开行政机关,行政机关的行政行为成为影响人们生命、自由、财产和国家安全、稳定、发展的一种几乎无所不能之物。姜明安:《行政国家与行政权的控制和转化》,《法制日报》2000 年 2 月 13 日第 3 版。
    ③ Cass R.Sunstein, Nondelegation Canons, 67 U. Chi. L. Rev. 322 (2000).
    ① Whitman v. Am. Trucking Ass'ns, 531 U.S. 457 (2001).
    ② Cass R.Sunstein, Nondelegation Canons, 67 U. Chi. L. Rev. 316 (2000).
    ③ Lisa Schultz Bressman, Disciplining Delegation After Whitman v. American Trucking Ass'ns, 87 Cornell L. Rev. 467 (2002).
    ④ Lisa Schultz Bressman, Schechter Poultry at the Millennium: A Delegation Doctrine for the Administrative State, 109 Yale L. J. 1399,1415 (2000).
    ① 摘自龚祥瑞:《比较宪法与行政法》,法律出版社 2002 年版,第 417 页。
    ① [美]詹姆斯·M·布坎南:《民主财政论》,穆怀朋译,商务印书馆 1993 年版,第 14 页。
    ①《马克思恩格斯选集》第 7 卷,人民出版社 1982 年版,第 94 页。
    ② 刘隆享主编:《以税治法论》,北京大学出版社 1989 年版,第 152 页。
    ③ [日]北野恒久:《税法学原论》,陈刚等译,中国检察出版社 2001 年版,第 63 页。
    ① 刘晓林:《纳税人的钱怎么花?》,新华网浙江频道,http://www.zj.xinhuanet.com/magazine/ 2004-05/08/content_2092195.htm,2004-05-08 17:38:00。
    ② 本报北京 8 月 28 日电(记者程刚)全国人大法律委员会、财政经济委员会和全国人大常委会法制工作委员会决定,于 9 月 27 日就个人所得税法修正案(草案)有关工薪所得减除费用标准(俗称“起征点”)举行立法听证会。这是全国人大及其常委会历史上举行的第一次立法听证会。 全国人大常委会法工委副主任安建今天下午在全国人大常委会举行的新闻发布会上说,由于该项减除费用标准的高低,既涉及国家对收入分配的合理调节,也直接关系广大工薪收入者的切身利益,受到社会普遍关注。为在充分听取各方面意见的基础上,合理确定工资、薪金所得的纳税负担,全国人大法律委员会、财政经济委员会和全国人大常委会法制工作委员会决定,就此项内容召开听证会,进行听证。
    按照这三个部门 28 日发布的公告,全国人大法律委员会、财政经济委员会和全国人大常委会法制工作委员会将共同作为本次听证会的听证人。听证会将安排的听证陈述人,包括年满 18 周岁,有工资、薪金收入的公民 15 人至 20 人(由听证人按照东、中、西部地区都有适当名额,工薪收入较高、较低的行业、职业都有适当名额,代表不同观点的各方都有适当名额的原则,在申请报名的人员中选择确定);草案起草部门财政部、国家税务总局和国务院法制办公室的代表各 1 人;全国总工会的代表 1 人;东、中、西部省、自治区财政或者税务部门的代表共 3 人;直辖市财政或者税务部门的代表 1 人。另外还将在申请作为听证陈述人而未被选取的人员中确定 15 人至 20人作为听证旁听人。见程刚:《中国青年报》2005 年 8 月 29 日。
    ① 《吉林省伊通国税局推出纳税服务新模式》,《人民日报海外版》2003-11-13。
     ① 赵文斗:《日本建立电子政府强化税收管理》,《中国税务》2002 年第 3 期。
    ① 赵文斗:《日本建立电子政府强化税收管理》,《中国税务》2002 年第 3 期。
    ② 陈家志:《吉林税务“12366”架起征纳连心桥》, http://www.zjcxcs.gov.cn
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    ①《国家税务总局关于全面推行税收执法责任制的意见》(国税发[2001]127 号)
     ① 《税务行政复议规则(暂行)》,国家税务总局令(总局令 8 号)。
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    ① See Frothingham v. Mellon, 262 U.S. 447 (1923).
    ② Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83, 102 (1968). 在“弗拉斯特诉科恩案”中,最高法院裁定,一个联邦纳税人有诉讼资格对有利于教会学校的联邦开支提出质疑,理由是这种拨款违反了第一条修正案中不得确立国教条款,禁止确立国教的历史目的之一就是防止把政府的钱用于宗教。美国最高法院在“弗拉斯特诉科恩案”中突破了只有与被司法复审的行为有直接切身利害关系的人才具有原告资格的限制,承认了联邦纳税人的原告资格。
    ③ See ASARCO Inc. v. Kadish, 490 U.S. 605, 613 (1989); Doremus v. Board of Education v. Hawthorne, 342 U.S. 429, 434 (1952); Williams v. Riley, 280 U.S.78, 79 (1929).
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    ② 王名扬:《英国行政法》,中国政法大学出版社 1987 年版,第 81 页。
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     ① 引自《人民法院报》2001年6月15日,http://www.rmfyb.com.cn/public/detail.asp?id=24875。
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