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红花生化散(Hong Hua Sheng Hua San)是由7味中药组成的复方制剂,其方是在生化汤原方的基础上进行了一些药物的加减。大多数资料记载产后存在阴道流血持续时间延长的现象,因此多用生化汤治疗。生化汤对产后残留组织的排除虽有一定作用,但所需时间较长。我们根据产后治疗原理和有关中药作用,研制了红花生化散,取得了良好效果。此外,由于生化汤给药方式较为麻烦,且贮存、携带也不方便,而散剂的特点在古书中也早有论述:“散者散也,去疾病用之。”即药物粉碎后,比表面积增大,具有易分散、奏效快的特点,并能产生一定的机械性保护作用。因此,散剂在现代药物制剂中仍有一席之地。
Endometritis is a common reproductive disease of cows which caused mainly by infection of pathogenic microorganism.Endometritis is one of the main reasons of infertilitas femimis and causes great loss of economic and reproduction.Antibiotics are used usually for treatments of endometritis,but neorype medicines for endometritis are needed,as problems of drug resistance of bacteria and medicine residue are outstanding .Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis is a good medicine to treat disease of post partum,its effect is notable.But it take long time to remove residual organizations in intrauterine. Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis is not comfortable to use and carry .So we study new Chinese crude drug of HHSHS to cure endometritis.
     At first,we carried out microscopic identification of HHSHS,then the material quality standard of HHSHS was made,which conludes the standard of Leonurus、rthamus、Angelica sinensis Diels and Szechwan lovage rhizome.The research result indicates that the standard was controllable.
     According to standard test was fulfilled .The test result indicates that the quality of samples was steady during 12month on the normal room temperature condition or during 3month on the accelatory condition .
     To study the Pharmacodynamics of HHSHS ,we conducted the chronic endometritis which caused by phenol glue .HHSHS 14g/kg and 7g/kg can inhibit the inflammatory change of model uterus ,it also can decrease the blood corpuscle level in uterus of model rats.HHSHS can dignificantly shorten bleeding time and clotting time ,its effects are better than Puerperal Blood stasis.HHSHS 0.1ml and 0.3ml can strengthen significantly extent、intensity and motoricity of uterus contration.The effect of HHSHS 0.3ml and 0.8ml is better than Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis.HHSHS and Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis have same effect on inhibition of Bacillus pyocyaneus.It is better than Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis in inhibition of Escherichia colis and phylococcus aureus.
     HHSHS can decrease greatly the dosage of antibiotics .This study is very important for industry which not only can elevate the clinical effect of endometritis in cows,but also help relieve problem of medicine residue in dairy product.
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