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A refined structure should be a basic requirement and a method for improving the quality of higher education. Economic construction, the progress of science and technology as well as social development, all depend on the talents that high school produces. A refined structure of higher education, which should be discussed and studied at present, is needed urgently for high school to stay fit in with the modernization of socialistic development.
     The paper contains: 1.A brief analysis of the relation between the construction refine of higher education and quality assurance. 2. Specific analysis on the main problems of higher education construction of Jiangsu province, which include the illogical relation between graduation construction and formal makeup, unbalanced ratio between different majors, the distribution of higher school tends to be centralized in certain areas, the ability oriented quality of some higher school teachers needs to be improved, as well as the sharp unbalance between different higher school sponsors (state sponsored and private sponsored), etc. From the writer’s perspective, the development of higher education in Jiangsu is among the fastest ones over the whole country. The problems stated above may be difficult to avoid in the process of construction refine and the development of higher education.3.Based on the main problems appeared, the author attempts to analyze the causes, and to come up with some improvement methods which include, take the advantages of comparative economic strength and social foundation, found and spread over the standard of different higher school, properly develop doctor’s degree education, put higher vocational school and academic school in prior position, arrange higher school distribution with scientific planning, enhance governmental macro guide and control over higher education etc.
     The main perspectives of the paper come from the date and year record of Jiangsu Department of Education, as well as some policy-making experts, so some idea from the paper may not be so appropriate.
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