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Agent和Multiagent System(MAS)的理论和技术是目前分布式人工智能和计算机科学技术研究的核心内容之一。在实际工作中,笔者参与课题研究和项目开发,产生了设计MAS以促进信息系统建设,提高业务部门信息化程度,在发生危险品泄漏事故时能提供辅助决策,降低事故损失,找寻构建MAS的解决方法,找寻构建应急管理系统解决方法的初衷。在此基础上,做了相应的信息系统分析、设计和开发工作,以及系统中应急资源管理调度模型的研究工作,完成了本学位论文。
Agent and Multiagent System (MAS) theory and technology is now distributed artificial intelligence and computer science and technology research is one of the core contents. In practice, the author participated in a real project. Due to the actual situation of the system with some characteristics of MAS, resulting in a design MAS to promote information system construction, to improve the business sector informatization level, in dangerous when leakage accident can provide aided decision-making, reduce loss of accident, and seek the solution and constructing MAS construct emergency management system for the solution. On this basis, the corresponding information system analysis, design and development, and the system of emergency resource management model research, completed this dissertation.
     The main research contents and the results are as follows.
     (1) Jiangsu maritime bureau analyzed hazardous emergency management business, and advances concrete model. SPAERIS by systematic project, engineering, the method of jiangsu maritime dangerous emergency management business of business research, a complete requirements analysis, puts forward the concepts of the business model, design the system solutions, and the construction of the information system.
     (2) Based on the Agent forward modeling and simulation of resource allocation model and mechanism of emergency. Through the construction Agent alliance formed to solve the problem of MAS system. The alliance formed by Agent between Agent for the basic mechanism, multilateral talks with the Agent of individual welfare and benefits of the whole system of MAS. Given the model and algorithm of formalization by an example, and discusses the model and mechanism.
     (3) Using partial least-square regression analysis and mixed association rules based on actual data model, and analyses the harbor dangerous factors of influence, and the accident weight factor.
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