柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri(McGregor)对热胁迫的响应机制研究
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柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri(McGregor)属蛛形纲Arachnida、蜱螨目Acarina、叶螨科Tetranychidae、全爪螨属Panonychus。该螨是一种世界性害螨,寄主广泛,大多以刺吸方式为害叶片、嫩梢、果皮,尤以叶片受害最重,严重时导致落叶、落果,影响树势和产量。柑橘是中国南方最主要的水果之一,栽培品种多,出口数量大,是重要的经济作物。由于采取清耕法的集约化栽培,果园植物单一,加之单一依赖化学防治,用药不当,大量杀灭果园害螨天敌,破坏橘园的生态平衡,且该螨世代周期短,抗药性增加迅速,使柑橘全爪螨成为柑橘栽培中头等重要的害虫(螨)之一,是柑橘园常发性、灾害性的有害生物。柑橘全爪螨每年发生多代,一年有2个高峰期(春季至初夏和秋季)和2个低谷期(夏季和冬季)。已有研究表明,柑橘全爪螨适宜的温度范围为20-30℃,高于35℃不利于其生殖发育,40℃以上死亡率高。在中国柑橘主产区夏季气温常高达35℃以上,甚至40℃,冬季温度常低至0℃以下。极端温度的存在,必将对柑橘全爪螨造成热胁迫,柑橘全爪螨在长期的进化过程中形成了一系列响应机制应对热胁迫。热激蛋白(Heat shock proteins, Hsps)是当今生物适应逆境胁迫研究的热点,Hsps是广泛存在于原核细胞和真核细胞的蛋白质,亚致死热胁迫能够诱导生物体产生热激Hsps,它们能够提高生物的热忍耐力。此外热胁迫常会引起过氧化反应,有机体的抗氧化系统在应对氧化胁迫方面发挥着重要作用。物质和能量是守恒的,在有机体为应对胁迫而合成抗胁迫物质的同时,会减少其他有机物的合成,表现为缩短寿命、生殖力下降等,导致种群数量的变化。
     热胁迫是导致柑橘全爪螨发生氧化胁迫的因素之一。研究表明,热激或冷激能够干扰机体氧化还原反应平衡,从而导致氧化胁迫。柑橘全爪螨雌成螨在0、5、10、15、32、35、38及41℃条件下分别胁迫1h、2 h及3 h,以25℃为对照,测定柑橘全爪螨的抗氧化反应。结果表明,柑橘全爪螨遭受热胁迫后,其体内CAT和POD活性以及T-AOC在清除ROS的过程中,发挥的作用有限;而SOD在冷激条件下出现先上升后下降的动态趋势,暗示低温诱导SOD的抗氧化反应。GSTs的抗氧化反应无论在热激还是冷激条件下,均出现先上升然后下降的动态趋势。由此可见,SOD和GSTs在柑橘全爪螨抗氧化胁迫反应中发挥着重要作用。作为脂质过氧化的指标之一的MDA,其含量从时间动态上看能够维持在正常水平。综合分析表明,柑橘全爪螨能有效抵御热胁迫造成的氧化胁迫。
     运用geNorm和NormFinder两种软件,对柑橘全爪螨已有的7个看家基因Pc5.8SrRNA、PcActin、PcEf-1αPcGapdh. PcRpⅡ、PcSdha及Pca-Tubulin在不同发育阶段和热胁迫下的稳定性进行了评价。发育阶段选取了卵、幼螨、若螨、雄成螨和雌成螨共5个处理,热胁迫分为冷激(0、5和10℃)和热激(35、38和41℃),处理时间均为1 h,以25℃为对照。分析结果表明,在柑橘全爪螨不同发育阶段及热胁迫1 h条件下,Pc5.8SrRNA、PcActin及PcSdha的稳定性均较差。在不同发育阶段稳定性较好的是PcRpⅡ;低温胁迫1 h稳定性较好的是PcGapdh和Pca-Tubulin;高温胁迫1 h稳定性较好的是PcRpⅡ。若使用多内参基因评价体系,不同发育阶段最适内参基因数目是2,建议选用PcEf-1α+PcRpⅡ组合;低温胁迫下最适内参基因数目也是2,建议选用PcGapdh+Pca-Tubulin组合;高温胁迫下,在现有内参基因的情况下,较适内参基因数目是3,建议选用PcEf-1 a+PcGapdh+PcRpⅡ组合。本研究采用单个内参基因评价体系,综合上述两种软件评价结果,柑橘全爪螨不同发育阶段及雌成螨高温胁迫下均选用PcRpⅡ作为内参基因;低温胁迫下,选用Pca-Tubulin作为内参基因。
     4.1 Hsp90
     利用RT-PCR结合RACE技术,从柑橘全爪螨体内成功克隆获得了1个Hsp90家族基因PcHsp90的cDNA全长序列,GenBank登录号为GQ495086。该基因cDNA全长为2,763 bp,开放阅读框长度为2,193 bp,编码730氨基酸残基。
     进一步利用Protparam和Scanprosite等生物信息学软件分析了推导蛋白质的理化性质、保守基序等序列特征。PcHsp90基因编码的氨基酸序列具有5个典型的Hsp90家族特征基序(motif),它们分别是:NKEIFLRELISNSSDALDKIR、LGTIARS、IGQFGVGFYSAYLVAD、IKLYVRRVFI和GVVDSEDLPLNISRE,且具有细胞质Hsp90 C-端标志性基序“MEEVD",明确了其在细胞中的定位。采用软件MEGA 4.1用邻接法(Neighbor-joining method, N-J法),从GenBank选取12个不同物种的Hsp90与PcHsp90编码的氨基酸共同构建了系统发育树,其中PcHsp90与朱砂叶螨Hsp90亲缘关系最近,最先聚为一支。然后再与肩突硬蜱Hsp90相聚,而与昆虫纲的亲缘关系较远。应用蛋白质三维结构同源模拟工具SWISS-MODEL,构建了PcHsp90编码的蛋白质三维结构模型,可清楚地看到3个结构域:NBD (Nuleotide binding domain)、MD (Middle domain)和CTD (C-terminus domain)。
     4.2 Hsp70s
     同样,从柑橘全爪螨体内成功克隆获得了3个Hsp70家族基因PcHsp70-1、PcHsp70-2和PcHsp70-3的cDNA全长序列,GenBank登录号分别为:GQ495083、GQ495084和GQ495085。PcHsp70-1基因cDNA全长为2,586 bp,开放阅读框长度为1,977 bp,编码658个氨基酸残基;PcHsp70-2基因cDNA全长为2,405 bp,开放阅读框为1,968 bp,编码655个氨基酸残基;PcHsp70-3基因cDNA全长为2,300 bp,开放阅读框长度为2,028 bp,编码675个氨基酸残基。
     进一步利用Protparam和Scanprosite等生物信息学软件分析了推导的蛋白质理化性质、保守基序等序列特征。上述3个基因编码的氨基酸序列均具有Hsp70家族3个典型的特征基序(motif)。PcHsp70-1和PcHsp70-2编码的氨基酸末端序列为‘'EEVD",是细胞质Hsp70所具有的特征基序,因此二者为细胞质型Hsp70。PcHsp70-3编码的氨基酸末端序列为“KDEL”,为内质网蛋白质的典型特征,判定其为内质网型Hsp70。柑橘全爪螨的3个Hsp70家族基因推导的氨基酸序列之间的相似性如下:PcHsp70-1和PcHsp70-2之间为87%;PcHsp70-1和PcHsp70-3为64.7%;PcHsp70-2和PcHsp70-3为65.8%。从GenBank中下载了来自其他物种的27个Hsp70氨基酸序列与本研究中的3个Hsp70基因推导的氨基酸序列共同构建了系统发育树。该系统发育树分为3支,分别是来自细胞质、内质网和线粒体的Hsp70。与序列分析结果一致,PcHsp70-1和PcHsp70-2首先与其它物种的细胞质型Hsp70聚为一支,PcHsp70-3与其它物种内质网型Hsp70聚为一支。应用蛋白质三维结构同源模拟工具SWISS-MODEL,分别构建了PcHsp70-1、PcHsp70-2和PcHsp70-3编码的蛋白质三维结构模型,它们均含有2个结构域:NBD (Nucleotide binding domain)和SBD (Substrate binding domain)。
     以Pca-Tubulin做为内参基因,分别测定了柑橘全爪螨Hsp90家族和Hsp70家族的.上述4个基因在低温(0、5和10℃)胁迫1 h后mRNA表达量的变化。结果表明,4个基因在低温胁迫下mRNA表达量均呈下降趋势。说明低温短时胁迫可能诱导其它Hsps和物质表达,从而抑制这4个基因的mRNA表达水平。
     以PcRpII做为内参基因,分别测定了上述4个基因在高温(35、38和41℃)胁迫1 h后mRNA表达量的变化。结果表明,高温胁迫下,4个基因的表达量随温度升高都呈现上调趋势,其中PcHsp90和PcHsp70的表达量与对照相比变化显著,如41℃处理1 h,PcHsp90基因mRNA表达量为对照的6.75倍,PcHsp70-2基因表达量为对照的28.37倍。说明二者在抵御高温胁迫方面发挥着重要作用。
     利用BnmHI和NotⅠ的双酶切以及DNA重组技术成功构建了柑橘全爪螨PcHsp70-1、PcHsp70-2和PcHsp70-3基因基于pET 28a(+)的原核表达载体,这为进一步深入研究Hsp70蛋白质特性奠定了基础。
The citrus red mite Panonychus citri (McGregor), belonging to Arachnida, Acarina, Tetranychidae, Panonychus, is an important pest that devastates both deciduous and evergreen fruit trees such as citrus, pear, peach, and holly. When the mites are rampant, they will lead to great loss of output. Recent population outbreaks of P. citri may be attributed to a disruption in the orchard ecosystem, caused mainly by the application of broad-spectrum pesticides targeting other insects, leading to decreases in the natural enemy pressure on P. citri. In addition, the citrus red mite is often difficult to manage because of their ability to rapidly develop resistance to various acaricides due to its short life cycle. Nowadays, the P. citri has become one of the most serious pests in citrus orchard. In China, citruses have been cultivted in subtropical zones, and the mite populations on citrus trees have two infestation peaks every year, one in early summer and one in the autumn; but maintain low densities during the hot summer and cold winter. In main citrus producing areas where summer temperatures often reach or exceed 40℃, while winter temperatures may decline below 0℃. The optimum temperature zone for the citrus red mite ranges from 20-30℃, and 35℃is the proximity of the upper thermal threshold. So the citrus red mites are often exposed to the thermal stress in hot summer and cold winter. In general, tolerance mechanisms for extreme temperature are complex and act by various biochemical molecules such as polyols, lipids, and proteins. The sub-lethal hyperthermia induces heat shock responses involving increased expression of a suite of heat shock proteins (Hsps) which results in acquired thermo-tolerance of organisms. Heat or cold shock may also disturb the redox balance in animals and lead to oxidative stress. The antioxidant systems have an important role in deal with the damage caused by oxidative stress.
     Based on the economic importance of the citrus red mite and the significance of thermal-stress responses, the current study was aiming at the adaption mechanisms of the mite to environment stress, and four new heat shock proteins (Hsps) genes were isolated, and their expression patterns were analyzed. In addtion, the response of antioxidant system of the citrus red mite under the thermal stress were investigated. Our results will not only provide great insights into exploring the developmental and physiological functions of the Hsps from the mite, but also provide evidence for clarifying the adaptive mechanisms of the mite to thermal stress. In the meantime, the current results enrich and develop the scientific theoretical study system for the antioxidant response in thermal stress. The study was supported in part by Special Fund for Agroscientific Research in the Public Interest (nyhyzx07-057,201103020), the Program for Innovative Research Team in University (IRT0976), Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (CSTC,2009BA1042), and the Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-industry (Citrus) Technology Research System.The main results are as follows:
     1 Effects of thermal stress on survival and fecundity of P. citri
     Temperature is one of the main factors influencing the arthropod population dynamics. The survival and fecundity of P. citri were studied following treated by 32, 35,38, and 41℃for short time, respectively. Temperature of 25℃served as a control. The results showed that the egg hatch rate decreased with the increasing of temperatures, and when temperature rose above 35℃, the hatch rate decreased significantly with comparison to control. The total average eggs laid per female was 53.7 eggs at 25℃, but it decreased significantly after stressed for 1 h under above temperatures, and the decrease tendency kept pace with the stress time. At 25℃, the average longevity of female adult was 12.1 d, but it was shortened after stressed for 1 h by high temperatures, and the longevity became shorter and shorter with stress time prolonged. In addition, high-temperature stress had negative effect on age-specific survival rage and age-specific fecundity of female adult, and the disadvantage became even worse with the length of stress time.
     2 Antioxidant response of P. citri to thermal stress
     Thermal stress is one of the factors that have the possibility to generate oxidative stress products in the citrus red mites. It has been confirmed that heat or cold shock may disturb the redox balance in this species and lead to oxidative stress. Catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) activity as well as total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) changed slightly in removal of ROS when the citrus red mites exposed to thermal stress. Nevertheless, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) play important role in the process of antioxidant response to thermal stress. Although T-AOC changed slightly, SOD and GSTs could be induced by the accumulation of products from oxidative stress. As one important index of lipid peroxidation, malondialdehyde (MDA) kept at an almost normal level in a time-dependent manner, which suggest that the citrus red mites is capable of efficiently dealing with ROS induced by thermal stresses.
     3 Evaluation and validation of reference genes for RT-qPCR in P. citri
     Reference genes used for the quantification of mRNA expression may be affected by the experimental condition, so the stabilities of seven candidate reference genes (Pc5.8SrRNA, PcActin, PcEf-1α, PcGapdh, PcRpⅡ, PcSdha, and Pcα-Tubulin) in P. citri were systematically analyzed at different developmental stages and after thermal stresses using geNorm and NormFinder software, respectively. The stage of egg, larva, nymph, and adult (male and female) was used for different developmental stages experiment, and thermal stresses included cold shock (0,5 and 10℃) and heat shock (35,38 and 41℃), respectively. The treated time was 1 h, and 25℃served as a control. The aim of this study was to evaluate housekeeping genes of P. citri for their suitability as reference genes in quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR), and provide appropriate reference genes to explore the gene expression patterns of the heat shock proteins (Hsps) in P. citri. According to the analysis by geNorm and NormFinder, it was found that Pc5.8SrRNA, PcActin, and PcSdha were less stabe whether at developmental stages or under thermal stresses. Whereas, PcRpⅡwas the most stable gene at different developmental stages, PcGapdh and Pcα-Tubulin also kept stable during 1 h cold shock. If multiple reference genes needed for validation target genes mRNA expression under above condition, the most appropriate genes number was 2, and the combination of PcEf-1α+PcRpⅡwas recommended at different developmental stages; for cold shock experiment, the most appropriate genes number was also 2, the combination of PcGapdh+Pcα-Tubulin was recommended; whereas for heat shock experiment, the most appropriate genes number was 3, and the combination of PcEf-1α+PcGapdh+ PcRpⅡwas recommended.
     4 Molecular cloning and sequences analysis of Hsp90 and Hsp70 family genes in P. citri
     4.1 Hsp90
     The full-length cDNA of Hsp90 family gene PcHsp90 was cloned from P. citri using the combined techniques of reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) with rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Its GenBank accession number was GQ495086. The complete cDNA of consisted of 2,763 nucleotides with an open reading frame (ORF) of 2,193 nucleotides which encode a protein of 730 amino acids residues.
     Molecular characterizations of the putative proteins have been predicted by Protparam software. The deduced amino acid sequence included 5 typical motifs of the Hsp90 family:NKEIFLRELISNSSDALDKIR, LGTIARS, IGQFGVGFYSAYLVAD, IKLYVRRVFI, and GVVDSEDLPLNISRE. The amino acid sequences ended with "MEEVD" motif which was the characteristic of cytosolic Hsp90. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the amino acid sequence deduced from PcHsp90 with other 12 Hsp90 amino sequences from GenBank using software MEGA 4.1 with Neighbor-joining method. The result showed that PcHsp90 clustered with Hsp90 from Tetranychus cinnabarinus firstly, next with Hsp90 of Ixodes scapularis, and kept relatively longer hereditary distance with Hsp90s from insects. In addition, its 3-D structure model was constructed by SWISSS-MODEL. Similar to other Hsp90, three domains were found:NBD (Nuleotide binding domain), MD (Middle domain), and CTD (C-terminus domain).
     4.2 Hsp70s
     The full-length cDNA of three Hsp70 family genes PcHsp70-1, PcHsp70-2, and PcHsp70-3 were cloned from P. citri. GenBank accession numbers were GQ495083, GQ495084, and GQ495085, respectively. The complete cDNA of PcHsp70-1 consisted of 2,586 nucleotides with an ORF of 1,977 nucleotides which encoded a protein of 658 amino acids residues. The complete cDNA of PcHsp70-2 consists of 2.405 nucleotides with an ORF of 1,968 nucleotides, encoding a protein of 655 amino acids residues. The complete cDNA of PcHsp70-3 consists of 2,300 nucleotides with an ORF of 2,028 nucleotides, encoding a protein of 675 amino acids residues.
     Molecular characterizations of the putative proteins have been predicted by Protparam software. The amino acids sequences were encoded by PcHsp70-1, PcHsp70-2, and PcHsp70-3. respectively, included three typical motifs of the Hsp70 family genes. The motifs for PcHsp70-1 amino acids sequence were as follows: IDLGTTYS. IFDLGGGTFDVSLL, and IVLVGGSTRIPKIQK. The motifs for PcHsp70-2 were IDLGTTYS, IFDLGGGTFDVSIL, and IVLVGGSTRIPKIQK. The motifs for PcHsp70-3 were IDLGTTYS. VFDLGGGTFDVSLL, and IVLVGGSTRIPKIQQ. The C-terminus motifs of PcHsp70-1 and PcHsp70-2 amino acid sequences both were "EEVD", which was the characteristic of cytosolic Hsp70. So PcHsp70-1 and PcHsp70-2 were located in cytosol. However, the C-terminus motif of PcHsp70-3 amino acid sequence was "KDEL", which was the typical characteristic of ER (endoplasmic reticulum) protein at C-terminus. Accordingly PcHsp70-3 was attributed to ER Hsp70. The percentages of similarity among the three amino acids sequences were as follows:87% between PcHsp70-l and PcHsp70-2,64.7% between PcHsp70-l and PcHsp70-3, and 65.8% between PcHsp70-2 and PcHsp70-3. To analyze the sequence homology and phylogenetic relationships, the complete deduced protein sequences of the three Hsp70s, together with other Hsp70 sequences from 27 other organisms obtained from GenBank, were used for the phylogenetic tree construction. A Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed by MEGA 4.1 The tree consisted of three branches, including the Hsp70 family members of the different intracellular compartments (cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria). As expected, PcHsp70-l and PcHsp70-2 belonged to cytosolic Hsp70s and the PcHsp70-3 was clustered with the endoplasmic reticulum Hsp70 cluster from other species. In addition, their 3-D structure models were constructed by SWISSS-MODEL. All of them included 2 domains, NBD (Nucleotide binding domain) and SBD (Substrate binding domain).
     5 The mRNA expression profiles of Hsp90 and Hsp70 genes
     5.1 Developmental expression profiles of the four Hsp genes
     The developmental expression profiles of Hsp90 and Hsp70 genes from P. citri were analyzed using PcRpII as an internal control gene. The developmental stages included egg, larvae, nymph, male adult, and female adult. The results indicated that expression of PcHsp90 in egg, nymph, and adult was high. Expressions of PcHsp70-l and PcHsp70-3 genes changed slightly at all stages. However, the expression level of PcHsp70-3 distinctly increased with development. Based on the above results, it was concluded that PcHsp90 and PcHsp70-2 possibly have connection with growth and development of P. citri. It was necessary for PcHsp70-l and PcHsp70-3 to maintain basal physiological function of the mite.
     5.2 Expression profiles under short-term low-temperature stress
     The expression profiles of Hsp90 and Hsp70 genes from P. citri were analyzed with Pcα-Tubulin gene as an internal control gene under low-temperature (0,5, and 10℃) stress for 1 h. Temperature of 25℃served as a control. The mRNA expressions levels of the four genes were all decreased compared with the control. It may suggest that other Hsps or substances were synthesized during stress, thus resulting in the decrease of the 4 Hsps under short-term low-temperature stress.
     5.3 Expression profiles under short-term high-temperature stress
     The expression patterns of Hsp90 and Hsp70 genes from P. citri were analyzed with PcRpII as an internal control gene under high-temperature (35,38, and 41℃) stress for 1 h. Temperature of 25℃served as a control. The results showed that expressions of the 4 genes were all up-regulate after heat shock, but only the expressions of PcHsp90 and PcHsp70-2 significantly enhanced at 41℃compared to control. At 41℃, the expression of PcHsp90 and PcHsp70-2 was up to 6.75- and 28.37-fold compared with the control. It was concluded that all the four genes all can be induced under short-term high-temperature, but PcHsp90 and PcHsp70-2 had more important role in deal with heat stress.
     In conclusion, PcHsp70-1 and PcHsp70-3 were necessary to maintain basal physiological function of P. citri, while wouldn't be induced under short-term thermal stress. PcHsp90 can be induced by heat shock and was also relative with basal physiological function; there was a close relationship between PcHsp70-2 and development of P. citri, especially it can be dramatically induced by heat shock.
     6 Heterologous expression of P. citri Hsp70s in Escherichia coli
     Applying the double digestion of FastDigest" BamHⅠand FastDigestR NotⅠrestriction enzymes with the DNA recombination technology, the expression vectors for PcHsp70-1,PcHsp70-2, and PcHsp70-3 based on pET 28a (+) vector in Escherichia coli was constructed. This provided the basis for Hsp70s expression in vitro, and made it possible for study the characteristics and physiological function of Hsp70s in future.
     In conclusion, the current study made it clear that short-term high-temperature had negative effect on the survival and fecundity of P. citri. The antioxidant response of P. citri to thermal stress was subsequently determined. To explore the molecular mechanisms of P. citri response to thermal stress, one Hsp90 and 3 Hsp70 genes were cloned from P. citri. To validate the stability of 7 housekeeping gene, the best stable reference genes at developmental stages and under thermal stress were selected using geNorm and NormFinder software. Then the mRNA expression profiles of the four genes at different developmental stages and under thermal stress were analyzed, and the role of the Hsp90 and Hsp70 genes in response to thermal stress were clarified. Besides, the expression vectors for 3 Hsp70 genes based on pET 28a (+) vector in Escherichia coli were constructed for studying the Hsp70 characteristics in future. These results not only help us understanding the mechanisms of P. citri in response to thermal stress at biological, physiological and molecular levels, but also provided the evidence to understand the population dynamics of the mite.
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