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     本文根据赤峰市生态环境的特点,以县级行政单位作为评价的基本单元,运用压力—状态—响应模型,建立了生态安全评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和ArcView GIS 3.3制图功能,对赤峰赤峰市2005年的生态安全现状进行综合评价。根据评价结果,划分出5个生态安全类型区,即,生态安全区、生态较安全区、生态安全过渡区、生态较不安全区和生态不安全区。结果表明,赤峰市生态安全总体上存在较明显的地域分异特征:元宝山区、松山区、红山区、巴林右旗、克什克腾旗处在“安全”的生态安全级别,巴林左旗处在“较安全”的生态安全级别,阿鲁科尔沁旗和林西县处在“安全过渡区”的生态安全级别,翁牛特旗和敖汉旗处在“较不安全”的生态安全级别,喀喇沁旗和宁城县处在“不安全”的生态安全级别。
In recent decades, as the global contradictions of the people and land has become increasingly acute, the ecological environment has deteriorated in the overall trend ,which are revealed in increased land degradation, water balance disorders, serious damage vegetation, biodiversity and other sharp decline. Mankind is constantly faced with a new threat, the factors which affect national security has not only the security of national defense, political security and economic security. Therefore, many domestic and foreign scholars have expanded the "national security" concept, at the same time they put forward the new concepts and ideas such as "ecological security," "environmental security", "security", ecological security research has now become the forefront research tasks and the important areas in geography, resources and environmental science, ecological science and social science.
     According to the ecological environment of Chifeng City, taking the county-level administrative units as the basic unit of assessment, using the pressure - state - response model, the paper established the ecological security evaluation index system, then use AHP and 3.3 ArcView GIS mapping function to evaluate the ecological security of Chifeng City in 2005 comprehensively. Based on the evaluation results, the paper divided the city into five ecological security types, which were the ecological security zone, ecological a security zone, the transitional zone of ecological security and ecological more unsafe areas and ecological unsafe areas. The results showed that there are more obvious geographical differentiation characteristics in the overall ecological security Chifeng City: Yuanbaoshan District, SongShan District, Gongshangou District, Balinyou banner, Keshiketeng banner were in the "safe" level of ecological security, Balinzuo banner was in the "safer" level of ecological security, Alukeerqin and banner Linxi county were in "safe transition zone" of ecological security level, and Wengniute banner and Aohan banner were in a "more unsafe" ecological security level, and Kelaqin banner and Ningcheng County were in the "unsafe" ecological security level.
     Using the same model, the paper made dynamic evaluation and analysis of the ecological security of Chifeng City in 2001-2005, the results show that the ecological security of Chifeng City was overall upward. On this basis, the paper forecasted the value of the ecological security which used the grey in DSP system GM (1,1) model in 2006, 2007 and 2008, and predictive values were: 0.69905,0.778872 and 0.867808.
     According to the evaluation and dynamic analysis of ecological security of Chifeng City, the paper put forward development strategies to ensure the ecological security of Chifeng City. These measures and recommendations include: maintaining a sense of crisis ecological security, improving the knowledge of the ecological security to popularize; strengthen the environmental management, promoting pollution control market; increasing education and health infrastructure construction, importing large numbers of bright people,speeding up the building of legal system of ecological security to make the security laws to construct ; establishing the evaluation index system of ecological security as soon as possible ; controlling population, accelerating the transformation of the mode of agricultural economic growth.
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