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Structural Division of Marine Mesozoic-Paleozoic in Lower Yangtze Region and Its Significance for Petroleum Exploration Targets


///In this paper, the Lower Yangtze region has been divided into 5 first-order geological structure zones and 17 second-order zones. They are: the Lower Paleozoic favorable zones for exploration include the late-stage uplifting stable region in centeral part of southern Yellow Sea (2), the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in Jiangdu-Dongtai-southern part of the South Yellow Sea (3), the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in Taixing-Haian (1), the late-stage subsiding lower nappe region in Nantong-south part of South Yellow Sea (2), and the late-stage subsiding lower nappe region around the Taihu Lake (4); the Upper Paleozoic favorable zones for exploration include, the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in North Yellow Sea (1), the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in Jiangdu-Dongtai-south part of South Yellow Sea (3), the late-stage subsiding deep Lower Paleozoic-involved thrust region in Binhai-Dafeng (4), the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in Taixing-Haian (1); the most favorable zones for Indo-surface exploration include the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in North Yellow Sea(1),the late-stage subsiding deep Lower Paleozoic involved thrust region in Binhai-Dafeng (4), the late-stage subsiding deep Lower Paleozoic involved thrust region in Jinhu-Gaoyou (5), and the late-stage subsiding deep thrust region in Taixing-Haian (1).

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