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Application of Multiple Attribute Analysis Technology in the Eastern Depression of the North Yellow Sea Basin
Based on the 3-D seismic and drilling data from the North Yellow Sea Basin,the technology of multiple seismic attribute analysis was adopted to the Meso-Cenozoic reservoir prediction in the eastern depression of the North Yellow Sea Basin.The results suggest that the relatively sensitive seismic attributes to the North Yellow Sea reservoir include the absolute amplitude,composite absolute amplitude,RMS amplitude,energy,amplitude slope and standard deviation.The absolute amplitude is related to granularity,the composite absolute amplitude and amplitude slope are indicators of sedimentary environment,the RMS amplitude shows the sand content,the energy indicates the water energy of the basin,and the standard deviation illustrates the influence of tectonic movement and others.Through the seismic attributes analysis,it is concluded that the lower Cretaceous and the Eocene fluvial facies are the optimum reservoir and the fan delta is also considerable.

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