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  • 作者:李正国 ; 谭杰扬 ; 唐鹏钦 ; 陈浩 ; 张莉 ; 刘晗 ; 吴文斌 ; 唐华俊 ; 杨鹏 ; 刘珍环
  • 机构:Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics,Ministry of Agriculture/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning;Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Institute of Agricultural Economics and Regional Planning;Sun Yat-sen University,School of Geography and Planning;
  • 出版单位:Journal of Geographical Sciences
  • 分类:气候变化相关
  • 年:2016
  • 期:1
  • ISSN:1009-637X
  • 出版日期:2016-01-15
  • 资源类型:期刊论文
  • 来源:知网
Based on county-level crop statistics and other ancillary information,spatial distribution of maize in the major maize-growing areas(latitudes 39°–48°N) was modelled for the period 1980–2010 by using a cross-entropy-based spatial allocation model.Maize extended as far north as the northern part of the Lesser Khingan Mountains during the period,and the area sown to maize increased by about 5 million ha.More than half of the increase occurred before 2000,and more than 80% of it in the climate transitional zone,where the annual accumulated temperature(AAT) was 2800–3400 °C·d.Regions with AAT of 3800–4000 °C·d became more important,accounting for more than 25% of the increase after 2000.The expansion of maize was thus closely related to warming,although some variation in the distribution was noticed across zones in relation to the warming,indicating that maize in northeast China may have adapted successfully to the warming by adjusting its spatial distribution to match the changed climate.