Does intensification result in higher efficiency and sustainability? An emergy analysis of Mediterranean sheep-crop farming systems
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The embodiment of resources in agricultural products depends on the way they are made, i.e., the production system. We applied emergy analysis on three contrasting sheep-crop farming systems according to different degrees of specialization, integration and intensification of production in Mediterranean Spain. We studied emergy flows, transformity values and emergy indices at the system level and per product (lamb meat; permanent crops: rainfed olive and almond; arable crops: rainfed barley, irrigated barley, alfalfa and sunflower). We found that the specialized pasture-based sheep system had the lowest intensity and efficiency and the highest sustainability, as opposite to the partially-integrated mixed system, while the fully-integrated mixed system obtained a balanced position. Lamb meat production was 1.9 and 1.3 times more intensive and efficient, respectively, in the partially-integrated mixed system than in the pasture-based sheep system, but 5.1 times less sustainable. All sheep sub-systems had comparatively lower intensity and higher sustainability than crops due to their higher capacity to use local and renewable natural resources. Our findings suggest that further support of agricultural development based on local and renewable natural resources and best practices is necessary to ensure long-term farming sustainability and social welfare.