Habitat selection by endangered Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) and impacts of livestock grazing in Nepal Himalaya: Implications for conservation
Habitat management within and outside protected areas is a key to effective conservation of wildlife. This is particularly vital for declining wildlife populations within the boundary of conservation areas, while sharing their potential habitat range with foraging livestock. In an effort to understand the habitat selection by Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) and explore any potential impacts of livestock grazing, we conducted the present study in a conservation area of central Nepal Himalaya. We recorded data on musk deer and livestock presence and absence (based on signs of fecal pellet, footprint, and resting site) along the elevational transect with associated topographic features (elevation, slope, aspect, distance to water, and vantage point distance) and vegetation features (tree spp., shrub spp., herb spp., and canopy-cover). Using logistic regression model we found that elevation, aspect, canopy-cover, and tree spp. in the area significantly affect the likelihood of habitat selection by musk deer. In particular, they selected the southern aspect of the area with elevation ≥ 3529 m, canopy-cover ≥ 42%, and with stands of Pinus spp. and Abies spp. Slope and canopy-cover significantly affected the foraging area selection by livestock. They selected the gentler slopes in the northern aspect of the area with altitude < 3529 m and canopy-cover < 42%. Also, presence of one group of herbivore (i.e. musk deer and livestock) was not found to affect the likelihood of habitat selection by the other group. These independent habitat selections are possibly the responses to morphological and behavioral adaptations than to impacts and interactions between these two groups of herbivores. We suggest to avoid any disturbances and livestock grazing on the area that disrupt the resources and conditions likely selected and occupied by musk deer population.