Historical review of demand side management in China: Management content, operation mode, results assessment and relative incentives
Traditional power load management in China is featured by power rationing without considering user demand. However, since the 1990s, demand side management (DSM) has been introduced by local governments and enterprises in China to improve terminal power efficiency and optimize resources allocation, and certain breakthrough have already been achieved. Demand response aims at improving the energy efficiency of end-users and achieving emission reduction targets. Based on the development status of power industry and electricity market in China, this paper firstly reviews the three key development stages of traditional DSM, including management content, operation mode and results assessment. Secondly, this paper analyzes the demand side management aimed at energy conservation and emissions reduction, selecting the core elements and key processes influencing terminal power efficiency of DSM development. In addition, DSM safeguard system and incentive mechanism, including political, economic, technical and managerial measures, are further discussed to achieve the aim of energy conservation and emission reduction. Finally, this paper systematically analyzes related policies and regulations proposed by the government, and put forward relative policy recommendations for DSM development in China.