Sustainability indicators of groundwater resources in the central area of Santa Fe province, Argentina
The development of groundwater resources sustainability indicators is a process of scientific approach that presents the different characteristics of the groundwater systems in a simplified and understandable way. Although its use in such a system is relatively recent, their proper selection provides a valid basis to support coordinated actions in the process of resource operation, planning and management. The central area of Santa Fe province, Argentina, is one of the main producing regions of the province and the country, standing out for its dynamism in both the economic and socio-cultural aspects. In particular, the study area is characterized by strong agriculture-farming and industry activities. The grain and oilseed production has great preponderance in this area, which is complemented by dairies, meat and tanneries strengthened by the presence of the livestock sector. It also highlights the timber ventures, fine furniture stores, and provision of industrial and food systems. The natural quality of groundwater and the scarcity of exploitable surface water resources make groundwater exploited as the exclusive source of supply. This paper focusses on the use of groundwater sustainability indicators in an area of the Santa Fe province, Argentina, where groundwaters are the only source of supply to satisfy the demand for the various purposes. From the indicators used, the indicators of groundwater abstraction demonstrated that local recharge rate is not sufficient to meet the current demand in the area. Therefore, the identification of these indicators incorporates the high added value that they offer as a synthetic measure for the sustainability of groundwater exploitation. Besides, it is expected that the selected indicators contribute to the evaluation of the management of these water resources, to the development of new shares and/or the establishment of plans and projects for their proper management.