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Functional Polypyridine Co Complex as an Efficient Catalyst for Photo-Induced Water Oxidation
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A novel mononuclear cobalt complex 1 was synthesized by treatment of CoCl2·6H2O with a COOMe functionalized TPA ligand (TPA=tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine). In a basic borate buffer, 1 acts as an efficient catalyst for water oxidation, which is confirmed by an extinct catalytic oxidant wave in electrochemistry. Visible light-driven water oxidation has been achieved by 1 with a TON of 127.7 and a TOF of 3.8 s−1 respectively in a homogeneous system. In comparison to the reference RC with naked TPA, the higher efficiency of 1 evidences COOMe on ligand can improve the catalytic efficiency, leading to an effective pathway towards construction of a robust and stable artificial photosynthesis system.

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