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Transmission scheduling in a multi-channel wireless network with bidirectional relaying links
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  • 作者:Maryam Mohseni and Dongmei Zhao
  • 刊名:Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
  • 出版年:2016
  • 出版时间:25 June 2016
  • 年:2016
  • 卷:16
  • 期:9
  • 页码:1095-1108
  • 全文大小:580K
  • ISSN:1530-8677
Using network coding in a wireless network can potentially improve the network throughput. On the other hand, it increases the complexity of resource allocations as the quality of one transmission is affected by the link conditions of the transmitter to multiple receivers. In this work, we study time slot scheduling and channel allocations jointly for a network with bidirectional relaying links, where the two end nodes of each link can exchange data through a relay node. Two scenarios are considered when the relay node forwards packets to the end nodes. In the first scenario, the relay node always forwards network-coded packets to both end nodes simultaneously; in the second scenario, the relay node opportunistically uses network coding for two-way relaying and traditional one-way relaying. For each scenario, an optimization problem is first formulated for maximizing the total network throughput. The optimum scheduling is not causal because it requires future information of channel conditions. We then propose heuristic scheduling schemes. The slot-based scheduling maximizes the total transmission rate of all the nodes at each time slot, and the node-based scheduling schedules transmissions based on achievable transmission rates of individual nodes at different channels. The node-based one has lower complexity than the slot-based one. Our results indicate that although the node-based scheduling achieves slightly lower throughput than the slot-based one, both the proposed scheduling schemes are very effective in the sense that the difference between their throughput and the optimum scheduling is relatively small in different network settings. Copyright

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