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HIV and hepatitis B co-infection in Africa
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Prospective observational study of sequential adult inpatients in medical wards of a large urban teaching hospital in Malawi in 2004. Comparison of demographic risk factors with HIV antibody status determined using local double POC test protocols, and with HBsAg and HCV antibody prevalence as estimated in a reference laboratory in Liverpool, UK. Results of locally performed POC tests for HBV using Determine HBsAg (Abbott) and for HCV antibody using HCV-SPOT (Genelabs) were compared with results of reference methods in the UK.


Of 226 adults (39 % male), median (range) age 35 (14–80) years, 81 % had a history of traditional scarification, 12 % a history of blood transfusion and 11 % a history of jaundice. HIV antibodies were present in 76.1 % , HBsAg in 17.5 % and HCV in 4.5 % , with HIV/HBV coinfection in 20.4 % and HIV/HCV coinfection in 5 % of those with HIV. There was no correlation between prevalence of any of the three viruses and demographic risk factors or presence of either of the other two viruses. Point of care tests gave misleading results with prevalence estimates of 38 % for HBV and 4.5 % for HCV. For both of these POC tests the performance indices were unacceptable for individual patient management or epidemiological survey purposes.


The high prevalence of hepatitis/HIV coinfections may impact on treatment with antiretroviral therapy, especially if there are unintended interruptions of therapy, and studies are needed to document the possible clinical impact on ART programmes. The poor performance of POC tests for HBV and HCV may be due to local operational problems or to unexpected technical issues not revealed by early validation tests. These tests are widely used in resource poor settings and should be revalidated in prospective field studies in areas of the tropics with high HIV prevalence rates.

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Hepatitis B and C infections, human immunodeficiency vi...
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine ...

Hepatitis B and C infections, human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted infections among women of childbearing age in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneVolume 95, Issue 5September-October 2001, Pages 493-496
Patrice Combe, Guy La Ruche, Dominique Bonard, Timothée Ouassa, Hortense Faye-Ketté, Fatoumata Sylla-Koko, François Dabis, The DYSCER-CI Study Group

Few studies have been conducted in developing countries to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and its association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). We have screened for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HCV markers 200 HIV-1-positive, 23 HIV-2-positive and 206 HIV-negative women attending gynaecology clinics in 1995/96 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, a sample selected among 2198 consecutive consultants. Taking into account the prevalence of 21·7 % for HIV in this population, the overall prevalence of anti-HBV core antibody was 81·6 % , that for hepatitis B surface antigen was 9·9 % and for HCV antibody was 3·3 % . HIV infection and other STDs were not associated with HBV or HCV markers. Moreover, HBV and HCV markers were not statistically associated. Our results confirm the high prevalence of HIV in Abidjan and the endemic situation of HBV infection. Furthermore, HCV infection is not infrequent in this developing country setting, not explained by sexual transmission.

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Detection of HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C markers i...
Science & Justice

Detection of HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C markers in discarded syringes and bloodstains
Science & JusticeVolume 36, Issue 4October 1996, Pages 271-274
C. Cattaneo, P.A. Nuttall, R.J. Sokol

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HIV and hepatitis B co-infection in Africa

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