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Robust Metal−Organic Framework Enforced by Triple-Framework Interpenetration Exhibiting High H2 Storage Density
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A microporous metal−organic framework 1 Zn2(CNC)2(DPT)·G [CNC = 4-Carboxycinnamic; DPT = 3,6-Di-4-pyridyl-1,2,4,5-tetrazine; G = guest molecules] was synthesized and structurally characterized by a triply interpenetrated primitive cubic net with 1D pores of about 3.7 Å. 1 is highly robust enforced by triple framework interpenetration through weak van der Waals interactions, thus the activated 1b takes up 1.28 wt % hydrogen gas and exhibits high hydrogen storage density of 95.2% at 1 atm and 77 K.

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