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Enhanced Reactive Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide on the Composites of Graphene/Graphite Oxide with Copper (Hydr)oxychlorides
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  • 作者:Oluwaniyi Mabayoje ; Mykola Seredych ; Teresa J. Bandosz
  • 刊名:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  • 出版年:2012
  • 出版时间:June 27, 2012
  • 年:2012
  • 卷:4
  • 期:6
  • 页码:3316-3324
  • 全文大小:530K
  • 年卷期:v.4,no.6(June 27, 2012)
  • ISSN:1944-8252
Composites of copper (hydr)oxychlorides with graphite oxide or graphene were synthesized and used as adsorbents of hydrogen sulfide at dynamic conditions at ambient temperatures. The materials were extensively characterized before and after adsorption in order to link their performance to the surface features. X-ray diffraction, FTIR, thermal analysis, TEM, SEM/EDX, and adsorption of nitrogen were used. It was found that the composite with graphene has the most favorable surface features enhancing reactive adsorption of hydrogen sulfide. The presence of moisture in the H2S stream has a positive effect on the removal process owing to the dissociation process. H2S is retained on the surface via a direct replacement of OH groups and via acid鈥揵ase reactions with the copper (hydr)oxide. Highly dispersed reduced copper species on the surface of the composite with graphene enhance activation of oxygen and cause formation of sulfites and sulfates. Higher conductivity of the graphene phase than that of graphite oxide helps in electron transfer in redox reactions.


graphite oxide; graphene; copper (hydr)oxychlorides; composites; H2S adsorption; reactive adsorption

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