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Formation and Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Three Oxygen-Rich BiO4 Isomers in Solid Argon
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  • 作者:Caixia Wang ; Mohua Chen ; Zhen Hua Li ; Mingfei Zhou
  • 刊名:Journal of Physical Chemistry A
  • 出版年:2013
  • 出版时间:November 7, 2013
  • 年:2013
  • 卷:117
  • 期:44
  • 页码:11217-11224
  • 全文大小:347K
  • 年卷期:v.117,no.44(November 7, 2013)
  • ISSN:1520-5215
The reactions of bismuth atoms and O2 have been investigated using matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. The ground state bismuth atoms react with dioxygen to form the BiOO and Bi(O2)2 complexes spontaneously on annealing. The BiOO molecule is characterized to be an end-on bonded superoxide complex, while the Bi(O2)2 molecule is characterized to be a superoxo bismuth peroxide complex, [Bi3+(O2鈥?/sup>)(O22-)]. Under UV鈥搗isible light irradiation, the Bi(O2)2 complex rearranges to the more stable OBiOOO isomer, an end-on bonded bismuth monoxide-ozonide complex. The end-on-bonded OBiOOO complex further rearranges to a more stable side-on bonded OBiO3 isomer upon sample annealing. In addition, the bent bismuth dioxide anion is also formed and assigned.

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