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Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of 蟺-Extended Double Helicene: A Combination of Planar and Nonplanar 蟺-Systems
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  • 作者:Takao Fujikawa ; Yasutomo Segawa ; Kenichiro Itami
  • 刊名:Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • 出版年:2015
  • 出版时间:June 24, 2015
  • 年:2015
  • 卷:137
  • 期:24
  • 页码:7763-7768
  • 全文大小:550K
  • ISSN:1520-5126
The synthesis, structures, and properties of a 蟺-extended double helicene 1 are described. This double helicene 1 was synthesized by a four-fold oxidative C鈥揌 biphenylation of naphthalene followed by the Scholl reaction or via five steps including the Suzuki鈥揗iyaura cross-coupling reaction and the Scholl reaction. Due to the two helical substructures, 1 has three isomers, i.e., two enantiomers in a twisted form [(P,P) and (M,M)] and one diastereoisomer in a meso form. X-ray crystallographic analysis of the twisted isomers (twisted-1) revealed a tightly offset packing pattern of (P,P)- and (M,M)-twisted isomers, affording a three-dimensional lamellar stacking structure. A high isomerization barrier (43.5 kcal mol鈥?) and the relative thermal stability of twisted-1 isomer over meso-1 by 0.9 kcal mol鈥? were estimated by DFT calculations. The three isomers were successfully separated by chiral HPLC and characterized by circular dichroism spectroscopy as well as by TD-DFT studies. Electronic state variation resulting from the molecular geometry difference between the two diastereoisomers (twisted-1 and meso-1) was observed by UV鈥搗is absorption and fluorescence spectra.

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