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Strategies To Achieve Control over the Surface Ratio of Two Different Components on Modified Electrodes Using Aryldiazonium Salts
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Controlling the composition of an interface is very important in tuning the chemical and physical properties of a surface in many applications including biosensors, biomaterials, and chemical catalysis. Frequently, this requires one molecular component to a minor component in a mixed layer. Such subtle control of composition has been difficult to achieve using aryldiazonium salts. Herein, aryldiazonium salts of carboxyphenyl (CP) and phenylphosphorylcholine (PPC), generated in situ from their corresponding anilines, are electrografted to form molecular platform that are available for further functionalization. These two components are chosen because CP provides a convenient functionality for further coupling of biorecognition species while PPC offers resistance to nonspecific adsorption of proteins to the surface. Mixed layers of CP and PPC were prepared by grafting them either simultaneously or consecutively. The latter strategy allows an interface to be developed in a controlled way where one component is at levels of less than 1% of the total layer.

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