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Self-Powered Electrochemical Oxidation of 4-Aminoazobenzene Driven by a Triboelectric Nanogenerator
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A rotary disc-structured triboelectric nanogenerator (rd-TENG) on the basis of free-standing electrification has been designed, where the aluminum composite panel has not been tailored to the stator becauseit is commercially available and cost-effective, has good electronic conductivity, and is easily processed. With the rotating speed increasing from 200 to 1000 rpm, the short-circuit current (Isc) is sharply enhanced from 50 μA to 200 μA, while the measured open-circuit voltage (Voc) and transferred charge (Qtr) almost keep constant, 600 V and 0.4 μC, respectively. The matched load for the rd-TENG at a rotating speed of 600 rpm is 2.7 MΩ, generating a maximum power of 19.75 mW, which corresponds to a maximum power density of 2.28 W m–2. Using the electric power generated by such a rd-TENG, highly toxic and carcinogenic 4-aminoazobenzene can be selectively treated to produce CO2 or an oligomer via reasonably controlling electrochemical oxidation potentials. The underlying mechanism is tentatively proposed based on the cyclic voltammogram, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and UV–vis spectra. Here the electrochemical degradation in a single-compartment cell is more valid, preferable, and feasible. The output Voc and rectified current of rd-TENG guarantee its extensive application to self-power electrochemical degradation of other azo compounds, i.e., 2-(4-dimethylaminophenylazo) benzoic acid, to CO2. This work suggests that rd-TENG, sustainable energy, can be feasibly designed to self-power a practical electrochemical treatment of dyeing wastewater by harvesting vibration energy.

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