Overview of the KoRIA Facility for Rare Isotope Beams


The Korea Rare Isotope Accelerator, currently referred to as KoRIA, is briefly presented. The KoRIA facility is aimed to enable cutting-edge sciences in a wide range of fields. It consists of a 70?kW isotope separator on-line (ISOL) facility driven by a 70?MeV, 1?mA proton cyclotron and a 400?kW in-flight fragmentation (IFF) facility. The ISOL facility uses a superconducting (SC) linac for post-acceleration of rare isotopes up to about 18?MeV/u, while the SC linac of IFF facility is capable of accelerating uranium beams up to 200?MeV/u, 8 pμA and proton beams up to 600?MeV, 660?μA. Overall features of the KoRIA facility are presented with a focus on the accelerator design.