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Calculation of electrical potentials alon
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  • journal_title:Geophysics
  • Contributor:Shi-zhe Xu ; Dahai Zhang ; Baiyao Ruan ; Shikun Dai ; Yuguo Li
  • Publisher:Society of Exploration Geophysicists
  • Date:2002-
  • Format:text/html
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:10.1190/1.1468611
  • journal_abbrev:Geophysics
  • issn:0016-8033
  • volume:67
  • issue:2
  • firstpage:511

The problem of 2-D terrain corrections for point-source electric resistivity data is considered. The total electric potential is divided into normal and anomalous terms. An integral equation is derived for the Fourier transform of the anomalous potential and is solved using a boundary element method. An inverse Fourier transform is applied to recover the anomalous potential along a “longitudinal” profile passing through the point source and oriented perpendicular to the vertical plane containing the 2-D terrain variations. The sum of the normal and anomalous potentials are then used to calculate an apparent resistivity. A sample calculation demonstrates that the longitudinal apparent resistivity calculated in this manner is less sensitive to terrain variations than the traditional “transverse” apparent resistivity that is computed from potential measurements made parallel to the vertical plane containing the 2-D terrain variations.

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