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本文设计了一种基于人工电磁结构加载的宽带高增益周期端射天线,天线采用领结形偶极子渐变周期天线作为馈源天线,具有单向端射辐射和宽带特性,覆盖整个Ku波段。基于八木天线原理,通过在天线端射方向上加载人工电磁条带结构,在保证天线宽带的前提下提高了天线的整个带宽范围内的增益。加载的天线在整个工作频段范围(12~18GHz)内增益达到4.2~7.7d B,相比于未加载天线增加了1.8~2.5d B,使用HFSS仿真软件设计该天线,结果验证了理论分析。天线因其结构简单、频带宽和增益高等特性在无线通信场合具有潜在的应用价值。
A broadband high-gain periodic endfire antenna is presented in this paper. The gain enhancement is achieved by loading with an microstrip structure in the endfire direction. Parameter analysis for the structure is investigated to analyze its effect on the gain enhancement value of the antenna. The optimized results show that the loaded antenna presents gain enhancement of about 1.8–2.5 d B in the whole working band(Ku band), which is 1.8~2.5d B than the unloaded one. The advantages of simple structure, broad bandwidth and high gain make this antenna valuable in wireless communication systems.
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