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The early 21st century is an important strategic opportunities of China's modernization construction, and it is also the period of prominent inconsistency. The main characteristics is the restriction of resources and environment. Extensive land use and waste is widespread. Recent years with the rapid development of highway construction, the area is increasing, which contains large quantities of high quality arable land. So it is the necessary way to implement the 17 set say "strengthening energy and resources saving and environmental protection, enhanced capacity of sustainable development" by improving the regional highway intensive use of land for construction and adhering to the intensive use of land resources strategy.
     This research systematically discussed the issues of highway land-use after an integrated study at the regional economic and social development, regional land use and development of highway, and established the region land - highway relational model. By analyzing the content model system, the system objectives, framework and system relations, the paper established a Regional Intensive Development Composite System of Land Use - Highway Transportation (RIDS-LH) mechanism model. This paper analyzed the regional highway construction land in theory, and established a comprehensive index system in accordance with the system model. Based on the system theory, it divided the modules and functions of the index system. It also established the method system of quantitative evaluation based on RIDS-LH model, prediction and decision-making, analyzing and evaluating the index system by various methods such as qualitative evaluation, comprehensive evaluation, the DEA, multi-target linear programming. Taking empirical Study on Henan highway construction land by the comprehensive system, the result showed as following: the development of highway is ahead of the regional intensive development of land in Henan from 1997 to 2004. Especially in recent years from 2001 to 2004, highway development could not achieve optimal target, worse than the path of the land intensive development. In the end, according to the model target, this paper optimized the intensive developed scale and layout of future highway construction land in Henan. Compared with the existing highway network planning of Henan, it both decreased in land and total mileage, and was of practical significance to the future structure of regional land.
     At the scarce state of land resources, the highway land must be restricted under the macro-control of regional land resources. With the development of highway traffic, we must pay attention to the protection of land resources especially arable land resources. They must be harmonious; otherwise it will hinder the development of regional economic and social. The practice of Henan Province has proved that the theory and methods of RIDS-LH achieve the functions of evaluation, forecasting and decision support for land use of regional highway. It can find out the laws of the development and changes of regional land use, and ensure the reasonableness of the construction scale and scheduling. And it has reference for managing land resources, improving efficiency of land resources, and promoting the development of regional highway land-intensive.
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