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A research of a country’s traditional culture’s effect to its diplomacy policy, diplomacy ideology and conducts, It has important value to a systematic study about that country’s diplomatic features, and its historical root, and even the trend of its diplomacy. Besides that, Culture is not only important at defining the aims of the external policy, but also has important influences at the ways, methods and features of the country’s diplomacy policy. This thesis will research the cultural source of American diplomacy. By way of defining and evaluating the nature, feature and expression of the American diplomacy and its cultural connotation, to find out the integration between the America’s diplomacy and its cultural background or features. To explain the American cultural features in the diplomacy features, and to clarify the causes of cultural form for a series of American diplomacy features. Clarify the influences and affections of American culture to its diplomacy. This thesis has not only the research practical significance, but also has the theoretical and academic significance. This research enriches, develops and makes innovations of international politics academic. In the theoretical reseaches and current apply of international politics, we shouldn’t ignore the relationship between a country’s diplomacy features and its culture. Nowadays in the international arena, America is the one and the only capitalistic nation which has very powerful synthetical strength ,and it is in the advantageous positions of its strong economy, politic and military. How is American diplomacy influenced and controlled by its culture? This problem is quite an important proposition, so it’s valueable and need us to pay much attention. It can be both advantageous to essentially understand the American culture and diplomacy forming features, and convenient for knowing about the essence of American diplomacy behaviours, whatever the past or the present situation. It also can help us learn through the point of cultural sources, to correctly analyse and calculate the head for American diplomacy strategy in the future. The thesis includes three parts: Part one. The American diplomacy features and its essence; Part two. The American culture source and its features; Part three. The American culture’s ways of action on its diplomacy.
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