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The serious problem, like shortage of fund, has plagued the economic development in western regions for a long time. Introducing foreign investment into the region is an important economic revitalization initiative. Shaanxi Province is located at bridgehead position in Western Development. Although the extent and pace of opening to the outside world is accelerating, the economic development is far behind than eastern regions. Insufficient fund supply may be the reason. It is necessary to introduce foreign investment to speed up the economy of Shannxi Province. The scale of foreign investment for a region is basically dependent on its Investment Environment. So studying on Investment Environment in Shannxi Province is practically significant.
     This paper elaborates the theory of Investment Environment Evaluation, constitutes an Investment Environment Evaluation Index System according to six principles, which has four indexes for the first level, sixteen for the second and thirty-five for the third. This paper evaluates the Investment Environment in Shannxi Province during recent five years and compares the Investment Environment in Shannxi Province with ten eastern provinces’by Factor Analysis. This paper compartmentalizes the type of Investment Environment in every region of Shannxi Province by Cluster Analysis. Based on the evaluation and compartment, some proposal are offered, in order to optimize the whole Investment Environment and the Investment Environment in different regions to achieve the balanced development.
     This paper provides a better basis for decision making to optimize the Investment Environment in Shannxi Province and introduce more foreign investment, so as to realize the rapid and balanced economic development of the province.
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