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本文以Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0为开发平台开发了小型机电灌区多媒体计算机辅助设计系统。该系统通过良好的人机对话机制辅以生动形象的多媒体信息,可协助用户完成平原地区小型机电灌区的渠线规划布置、水泵选型、作物灌溉制度的制定、渠道设计参数的计算、工程量估算、配套建筑物选用、经济分析、规划成果的输出等工作,基本涵盖了灌区规划的全过程。该系统全面采用面向对象的编程方法,充分利用VB提供的Automation技术,实现了多种软件的跨平台集成。系统首次引入多媒体技术,以生动形象的图文、动画等资料指导用户完成系统操作,缩小了系统与用户间的距离。在渠道纵横断面优化方面,本文在利用已经比较成熟的纵横断面优化理论的基础上,提出以工程总费用最小为目标函数,以渠道纵坡i为控制变量,以渠道不冲不淤流速及灌区允许地面比降为约束条件,通过纵横断面联动优化的方法得到渠道的最佳工程可行的断面参数。另外,针对部分地区的取土困难的状况,本文采用积分法计算渠道工程土方量,从而大大提高了土方量的估算精度,有助于准确控制工程投资规模及资金投向。本文详细阐述了该系统所采用的编程方法、系统构成、系统各组成模块的开发过程以及灌区规划所采用的优化方法及原理,最后应用本系统对泰州市翟家村机电灌区进行规划设计,运行结果证明其操作比较简便,界面友好,运行速度快,规划成果合理,基本达到了系统预定的要求,具备较强的实用性。
With the using of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, a multimedia computer-aided design system of small type pumping irrigation district is developed in this paper.Provided with the live multimedia messages as well as a good man-machine conversation mechanism, this system can help the user to finish the planning of an pumping irrigated area such as the layout of canal system, the selection of pump models, the establishment of the irrigation program, the calculating of canals' parameters, the estimate of the project magnitude, the selection of the field constructions, the economic analysis of the project, the output of results, etc,A new OO (Object Oriented ) programming method is adopted in this system,various Softwares are integrated in this systems as well by the "Automation" technic provided by VB, in addition, the multimedia technic is applied to this system for the first time, it makes the system easy to ope rate .As for the optimization of the canals' section, a new optimization method is adopted based on the existing theories about the canals' section, and in this way, with the purpose of minimizing the project's investment as well as a stalized canal, limited by the longituding slope, the canals' best feasible parameters can be deduced.Furthermore, a integral method to reckon the earth work is developed in this paper, by this way , the estimate precision of the earthwork is enhanced notably.This paper includes the particular illumination for the developing procedure of each systems' segment, and in the end, the directions of the system are demonstrated in a sample area which lies in the Zhaija village, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, the running results showed that the initial purposes are achieved effectively, and it has a preferable practicability.
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