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The attribute-head phrase is one of the most frequent grammatical structures in Chinese and Vietnamese. The abundant use of attribute can make both spoken and written language expression become more accurate, more telling, therefore more persuasive and more impressive. The word order of the attribute-head phrase is the biggest difference between the word order in Chinese and Vietnamese. It is also a difficulty to the Chinese students who study Vietnamese and the Vietnamese students who study Chinese.
    Language researchers have researched a lot about the attribute-head phrase in Chinese and Vietnamese, but there has not been any paper which specially compares these two. Based on the theory of three grammatical planes, this thesis makes a systematical comparison between the attribute-head phrase in Chinese and Vietnamese, considering factors in syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Particular attention is given to the learning of the regularities related to the similarities and differences between the attribute-head phrase of the two languages in order to provide more pertinency and to improve teaching and translating efficiency.
    This thesis is composed of three main parts: 1. Introduction ; 2. The comparison of Chinese and Vietnamese attribute-head phrase; 3. Some other issues related to the Chinese and Vietnamese attribute-head phrase.
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