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In the last few years, the most remarkable characteristic of international economy is economic globalization, and the core of economic globalization is financial globalization. The development of financial globalization and financial liberalization, while promoting global economy to develop rapidly, make uncertain factors of global economy and financial system increase, strengthen global financial risks, and get the new challenge out of financial supervision.
    On December 11, 2001, going through the hardships of 15 years negotiation, our country joined WTO formally, and promised to open the financial market progressively within 5 years. As regards financial circles of our country, except that the Chinese-funded financial institutions have to be in the face of the fierce competing with financial institutions of the foreign capitals all-side day by day, the validity of the whole financial supervisory system has all been influenced and impacted unprecedented. It is realistic meaningful to study the trend of international financial supervision and to use the advanced foreign experience for reference so as to construct the financial supervisory system in line with international standards.
    It is necessary to study about the theoretical foundation of financial supervision in order to make the supervisory system effective. Because of outside effect, public product performance, free competition paradox, unsure and asymmetry of financial message, especially high liabilities, risk of financial circles and strong infective, financial supervision becomes a requisite measure that ensure financial circles develop smoothly. Certainly, financial supervision developed from scratch, going through natural development, supervising strictly then, efficiency coming first, and safety as important as efficiency .We also can conclude the new developing directions from several revising of report of Basel".
    As the financial activity and economic activity connecting deeply, global financial operating pattern appeared globalization, networking,
    grouping and mixed operation, innovation and infective accelerating with risk, etc. Corresponding with this, financial supervision has presented new trends, such as strengthening risk supervision, emphasizing bank innovative business risk supervision, emphasizing company administration structure, emphasizing disclosure of information and restrained with the market, emphasizing preventing financial crime. The financial supervisions of all countries strengthened correspondingly further too.
    As the financial supervision of our country began relatively late, it is more insufficient compared with the international financial supervision. For the opening of the financial market in a few years, we must make perspective improvement in the following several respects:
    l.Set about supervisory system unified with not only bank but also insurance and securities.
    2.The most important thing of financial supervision is bank supervision.
    3.Strengthen legal means to further financial supervision.
    4. Set up good system of inside controlling and risk management.
    5.Upgrade financial supervision and restrain the financial supervision by the market.
    6.Strengthen financial supervision with international cooperation and strengthen the safety of national finance.
    7.Strengthen systems that support financial supervision.
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    [3]海曼·明斯基(Hyman P.Minsky)是当代研究金融危机的权威,他所坚持的“金融不稳定假说”认为,资本主义的本性决定了金融体系的不稳定,金融危机以及金融危机对经济运行的危害难以避免。“金融不稳定假说”(Financial Instability Hypothesis)的形成始于1963年明斯基在任布朗大学经济学教授时发表的一篇著名论文《“它”会再次发生吗?》(“它”指大危机)。以此文为出发点,明斯基在随后三十年中出版的各种论著对金融危机进行了深入研究,逐步形成今天为众多文献广泛引用的“假说”。
    [7]乔治·斯蒂格勒(GEORGE J.STIGLER) (1911-1991),美国人。在工业结构、市场的作用和公共经济法规的作用与影响方面,做出了创造性重大贡献。重要著作:《公民与国家:管制论文集》(The Citizen and the State:Essays on Regulation)

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