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在知识经济时代,知识和信息技术的发展给建筑业及其市场带来了新的发展方向以及新的要求。一方面,随着经济全球化的发展趋势,企业经营的无国界化现象越来越明显,市场竞争呈现出一体化的特征,国际上一些大型建筑企业已将业务范围扩展到了世界各地;另一方面,建设项目逐渐向大型化、复杂化方向发展,业主对建筑企业有了新的要求,逐渐倾向于将项目的设计、施工、设备的租赁、材料的采购等由承包商统一负责。这两方面的变化要求大型企业具有资金、管理以及人才等方面的综合优势,而中小型企业要具备专业上的核心竞争力。从我国建筑行业的现状来看,具有综合承包能力的大型企业不是很多,建筑企业普遍存在着“大而不强,小而不专”以及重复建设的现象,在这种情况下,我国建筑业如何变革就成了一个至关重要的问题。作者认为,建筑业的变革不能仅仅停留在如何向国外学习的层面上,而是要赶超他们,结合我国建筑业及其市场的特征,用先进的管理思想武装自己,本文提出的供应链管理(SCM,Supply Chain Management)思想,既能保留传统模式中分工明确的特点,又能把各企业的优势联合起来,有利于大型项目的承接,因此对建筑业的变革有极大的借鉴意义。
With the development of info technique, construction industry has being required more. On the one hand, economic globalization weakens national boundaries, market competition take on character of incorporation, some big construction corporations have being extended their business all over the world; on the other hand, because of the complication of construction projects, owners are inclined to transfer the responsibility of design, construction, procurement etc to contractors. So having the synthesis predominance on capital, management, intelligence etc in big corporations and core competence in small corporations are required. As far as our country's construction industry goes, the corporations take on "big but not strong enough, small but not proficient enough". Under such condition, in order to overtake the foreign corporations as well as studying from them, it is significant to reform our construction industry. Base on these reasons involved, the concept of supply chain management (SCM, Supply Chain Management) is introduced in the thesis which provides some advice on how to transform both inside and outside of construction corporations.
    Established on the whole construction industry, the thesis analyses the necessity and feasibility of put SCM in practice. According to SCM theory, the reform of construction industry must be done not only inside but also outside. So business process may be reengineered inside corporations and favorable symbiosis among participators should be cultivated outside corporations. As a result, supply chain net relationship could be established which makes big contractors as core corporations and material and facilities providers, designers, sub-contractors and owners as partners.
    Concerning the thesis's skeleton, at first, the meaning and capital theories of SCM are introduced briefly (chapter 2); secondly, whether SCM is agreement with construction industry and how to establish the right model are discussed (chapter 3); thirdly, how to put SCM in practice is studied (chapter 4); at last, how to appraise the achievement of SCM and how to spur the partners in construction industry are given (chapter 5).
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