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利用 1986 年 8 月 2 日、1992 年 7 月 17 日(2 景)和 1994 年 7 月 30 日(1 景)及
    2000 年 8 月 9 日 TM 遥感影像,在地理信息系统技术的支持下,分析了陕北农牧交错带
    近 15 年来土地利用/覆盖及荒漠化的动态变化过程与驱动机制,结果显示: 
     1 通过多波段遥感数据融合、配准、增强等处理,提高了遥感图像空间分辨率,改
     2 1986-2000 年,研究区耕地面积减少了 359929.2 hm2,以旱地减少为主,减少的
    镇和农村居民建设用地增加了 19519 hm2,布局上以原城区为基础上向外扩展,但斑块
    破碎化程度降低,空间上呈集中化特征。水体整体变化不大,但河流水面萎缩 6980.7hm2;
    滩涂和水库面积各增加了 9967.5 hm2 、980.1 hm2。水体的变化主要是在河流的某些河
    积急剧增加,特别是在监测初期到监测中期,平均以 3267.9hm2·a-1的速度增加,6 年
    内增加了 19607.1hm2,并且破碎化程度加剧,其中定边、靖边两县土地盐渍化十分严重。 
     3 区域土地荒漠状况较为严重,荒漠化面积占到全区土地总面积的 1/3,15 年来
    沙地面积增加了 46306.8 hm2,荒漠化的范围逐渐扩大,景观结构上破碎化程度加剧。
    但荒漠化程度明显下降,严重荒漠化土地面积减少了 121474.5hm2,荒漠化的主导类型
     4 陕北农牧交错带土地利用/覆盖及荒漠化变化是由自然、人文和社会经济因素共
    制度的导向、人口压力及社会经济活动直接影响土地利用 /土地覆盖变化的时空分异,
The land use / land cover and desertification change of agriculture and pasturage
    interlaced zone of northern ShaanXi of China in the past 15 years was investigated through
    land use /land cover classification of three sets of the multi-temporal remotely sensed data of
    TM, acquired on August 2, 1986 as the middle of 1980s, July17,1992(two images) and July
    30,1994(one image) as the early of 1990s, and August 9,2000 as the later of 1990s and the 21st
    respectively. Based on the RS and GIS, this research attempted to monitor on the land use
    /land cover and desertification process and spatial heterogeneity dynamic change, open out
    the driving mechanism from 1986 to 2000 in the region. The main conclusions are as follows.
     i Multi-sensor imagery amalgamating, matching, and enhancing are very important in
    remote sensing image processing, which improved the spatial resolving evaluation, amended
    the image environment that can be use to distinguish from other upper objects, enhanced the
    land use/land cover and desertification information characteristic, also. These entire remote
    imagerytreated can improved the precisionof land use classification.
     ii The total area of plantation was decreasing 359929.2hm2, which was caused by dry
    farmland decreasing from 1986 to 2000 mainly. With the rapid increasing of population,
    mining activities have been identified as the sole cause of rapid change of dry farmland ,and
    the degree of the fragmentation of its patches had highly increasing. The decreasing area had
    mainly converted to wasteland, saline land and sand as a result, which happened in the
    vicinity of the Mu Us Desert edge, especially, Yuyang district, Shenmu, Hengshan, Jingbian,
    Dingbian county el.at. were more severer.
     The area of forest land and grass land each has increased by 132074.6 hm2 and 78590.9 
    hm2. Landscape pattern analysis found out that forest and grass land patches increased with
    fragmentation process, which became more scatter in the spatial. As we monitoring, the
    increasing area rooted in plantation and sand land that were returning cropland to grassland or
    woodland and sandy rehabilitated where happened in the southern loess gully and hilly areas
    and in the northwest sandy area, which was in accordance with the regional environmental
    characteristics and the land policy “returning farmland to woodland or grassland and
    rehabilitating desertification”.
     With the rapid developing of city based and economic of the study area, the scale if
    urban and country area had highly enlarged 19519hm2 from 1986 to 2000. But the
    configuration and layout of construction going to rationalization and standardization, which
    expanded outward based on the primary city.
     The body of water had hardly changed through monitoring, but the river showed
    shrinking by 6980.7 hm2 at the past nearly 15 years, on the contrary, beach and reservoir area
    with the great augment, each increased by 9967.5hm2 and 980.1hm2 from 1986 to 2000. This
    change happened in some parts of the river, such as Wuding river, Yu river, Kuye river and
    Tuwei river etc, where people reclamationbottomland used to arable land at the riverside and
    built silt arrester in the eastern and southeast loess gully and hilly areas in order to
    conversationsoil erosion.
     The large scale of dry land became to saline-land bring about the increasing of its areas,
    sharply. In particularly , during the beginning to middle of monitor, the velocity of rising was
    3267.9hm2 per year and the area extended 19607.1hm2 for 6 years. Through landscape pattern
    analysis found out that it’s patches were enhanced with fragmentation process, especially in
    Dingbian and Jingbian county.
     iii Sandy desertification is one of major kind of land use /land cover in the study area.
    According our research and practice on land degradation in the zone, we defined the sandy
    desertification situation was more serious and the area of desertification has exceeded 1/3 of
    total land area of the region, which the spatial extent o
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