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Nongovernmental business started since the eighties, through the trials and hardship of more than 20 years, were moving to maturity progressively. Nongovernmental business has all made important contribution to the economic growth and marketization of our country as an important one in national economic development. Statistical data show coastal developed nongovernmental business of proportion of the total industrial output value nonstate-owned economy of area 2000, ZheJiang , GuangDong, JiangSu , FuJian occupy the top 4 steadily, and HuBei only occupy the 10th place in ranking, Nonstate-owned economy is in the proportion in the gross investment of fixed assets of the whole society, ZheJiang , FuJian , GuangDong , HaiNan, JiangSu still occupy the top 5, but HuBei occupies the 16th place.
    Obviously, the development of the private economy in HuBei obviously lags behind the coastal developed area. This is since reform and opening-up, one of the important reasons why the economic system reform of HuBei and economic development precedence have moved backward. Just because of this , carry on comparative research to HuBei and development of the coastal developed nongovernmental business of area, In order to find out the reason why the private economic development of HuBei lags behind, and have extremely important theory and realistic meaning in order to put forward the pointed policy recommendations.
    Through domestic and international enterprise study theory circle to property right different from property right structure dispute of view at present this text, analyze the pros and cons of its view, define meaning , function and function of the property right and property right structure, combine the concrete conditions of development of nongovernmental business of HuBei .Through surveying and studying on the spot , use the theory to study the method to combine with positive research and relatively study, to analyze coastal developed area and the characteristics of property right of nongovernmental business of HuBei and property right structure. And to analyze the difference between them and origin cause of formation, analyze the influence on enterprise's administration structure , scope of the enterprise , growth and development speed , enterprise's competitiveness and vitality of the property right difference further. Through analyze to coastal developed area property right structure and HuBei property r
    ight structure contrast of real data of nongovernmental business , explain that the difference which analyses the property right makes the influence to nongovernmental business of HuBei up ,Propose that some feasible suggestions on the enterprise run by the local people of HuBei, point out the direction of property right development of nongovernmental business of HuBei, offer certain reference for the thing that the policy about development of nongovernmental business of HuBei is made.
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