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With rapid development of global economy, occupying knowledge gradually become the key to succeed in market competetion for market economy subjects. Otherwise, this kind of knowledge is significantly different from the ususl knowledge by two features of it-"initiativeness and reliability".The initiativeness means that it is the first time that it is discoveried,and the reliability mean to its ability to help positively people make discriminant and decision.
    For that, this thesis, based on the database that contain the information issued by listed A share companies, not only systematically make research of Association Rules Mining and Neural Network Prediction Method in Data Mining,but also acquire some knowledge about listed A shares companies by constructive use of these two Datamining tools. Overcoming the drawback of "greatly loyal in foreign documents"and empirical analysis lackness tagged to Datamining research in China,this paper vividly represent Knowledge Discovery process through empirical research of Association Rules Mining and Neural Network Method.
    The finding through Association Rules Mining shows knowledge that the probability is 80% of that one listed company will present financial crisis in the future if this listed company has been forfeited. Obviously ,it transmit some valuable information to not only investors but also the government supervisors. Not merely this, the empirical study on Neural Network indicate that the company financial situation detection model based on Neural Network not only bring the fidelity up to 100%,but also significantly highten the accuracy ratio of detection. It is no doubt that the finding offer feasible experience to help people apply the Neural Network into detecting objective subject in social science field.
    In theory, the thesis cast the problem How to discovery in Database of listed companies to attract more and more people study on it ,then open up a wide empirical analysis field, while firstly make systematical research on Datamining application into Knowledge Discovery in listed companies.
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