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     本文分为五个部分:(1) 绪论。提出研究的背景、研究的动态、研究的意义、研究的思路和方法。(2) 洞庭湖区旅游产业发展的理论基础。通过借鉴区域经济、产业经济和旅游经济学的基本理论,明确旅游产业的基本概念,对发展洞庭湖区旅游产业的理论依据进行探讨。(3) 洞庭湖区旅游客源市场的基本分析。对洞庭湖区旅游客源市场的地域构成、流量大小、流向变化、消费特征等进行分析,对发展趋势进行预测,对目标市场进行定位。(4) 洞庭湖区旅游产业发展的环境分析。主要内容包括洞庭湖区经济社会发展情况、旅游产业发展现状,发展旅游产业的优势、机遇和劣势。(5) 发展洞庭湖区旅游产业的主要策略。提出发展洞庭湖区旅游产业的总体策略,并从体制、投入、结构、市场等方面提出发展洞庭湖区旅游产业的具体策略。
As one part of the national economic, tourism industry takes a vital and active role in promoting the increase of the national economic, bringing along the adjustment of relevant industries, as well as enhancing people's living qualities. With the vigorous development of tourism industry, the regional tourism industry takes a more and more important role in the regional economic development, with a strong vital force and vigor.
    Dong Ting Lake, a land flowing with milk and honey, is the "Mother Lake" of Hunan province, but it's also a "problem place". In recent years, its economy is facing a more and more serious situation, with the obsolescence of the Lake District environment and the radical changes of the supply-and-demand of the markets. Then it has become an exactly fatal task to be solved as how to exert the tourist brand effect, how to quicken up steps to develop the tourist economy, how to optimize the Lake District industry framework, how to advance the harmony among the economy, society, and the environment, on the basis of the advantages of the Lake District resources.
    The whole article is divided into five parts: (1) Introduction. Fix the background of research,the research trend, the significance of the research.,the ways of the research.(2) The theoretic foundation of the tourism industry development of the Dongting Lake District. According to the basic ideas of the Regional ecnomic, Industry economic and Tourism Economic, the author has a research on the theoretic foundation of the tourism economic of the Dongting Lake District, and has a general idea on the theoretic research of the regional tourism industry development.(3) The basic analysis of the tourist market of the Dongting Lake District. Analyzing the geographic composition, the numbers, the changes, and the consuming characters of the tourists market of Dongting Lake District, predicting its developing trend, and making sure its target market. (4) The environment analysis of the tourism industry development in the Dongting Lake District. It is mainly about the situations of the economic and society development
     in the Dongting Lake District, the current situations of tourism industry development, the advantages, the effect, the chances , the Dongting Lake tourism District development period,and the problem of tourism industry development. (5) The countermeasures of the tourism industry development of the Dongting Lake District. Bring forward the total imagination of the tourism industry development of the
    Dongting Lake District, the detail measures to develop the tourism industry of the Dongting Lake District from the inputs, structures, markets and so on.
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