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The existence of regional economic development dilemma disorderly competition,unbalanced development, unsustainable development, which of course is the plight of thegovernment, the plight of the market, but the most fundamental human predicament, and thefundamental human animal sign is different from culture.-Revival of a nation must beaccompanied by prosperity and culture-powerful countries will certainly not be separatedfrom culture support. After all, the competition between countries is the cultural core of thecontest. Culture has become to observe, analyze and address the unique perspective ofregional economic development dilemma. From the Perspective of Regional Culture is abroad economic issues of regional economics research topic in the proper meaning, reflectingthe regional economics as applied by the state disciplinary function save the world. Papersbased on the culture of this strategy, as the threshold, using a holistic approach, dig economicsculture, showing realistic picture of regional economic development, pursue the plight of theroot causes of regional economic development, and explore strategies for regionaldevelopment path with ultra-modern predicament digestion. Whether or explore realitythrough her theory, the most fundamental concern is the plight of the cultural analysis of thecauses behind the development, and with the wisdom of the ancients gives economics "by thestate save the world," the value of the object, thereby determining the way forward for theregion's economic development ultramodern practical significance as well as the ultimatepursuit of happiness in life.
     Papers including the introduction and conclusion, including a total of eight parts, the maincontents of chapters.
     The first chapter, on the basis of review of relevant research on the regional economy, themajor domestic and regional economic theory were assessment, the basic concept of regionaleconomy, regional economic development, regional economic development of the sortsummarized as below normative analysis to do the groundwork.
     The second chapter, establish regional economic development and cultural studiesPerspective. On the basis of this strategy are discussed and cultures, cultural and economicdevelopment of the region, established the study of regional economic development andcultural Perspective. On the basis of education, morality, justice, humanity and other fourprinciples sort of connotation, discusses the significance of these four principles of regionaleconomic development, the realization of the common good supporting role.
     The third chapter discusses the plight of the regional competition and cultural causes ofthe disorder. In presenting the plight of the region on the basis of disorderly competition,competition for disorderly conduct economic analysis and mining of the causes of the plightof the cultural disorderly competition, primarily from a misreading of Darwin's theory ofevolution,"higher, faster, stronger." seven aspects of the concept of misunderstanding, lack ofentrepreneurship, education, cultivating a sense of competition, more terrible than the spiritual crisis of the economic crisis, limited liability companies and limited liability effect, theregional concentration of degradation were analyzed.
     The fourth chapter discusses the plight of its non-balanced development of regionalcultural causes, on the basis of presentation on the status of non-balanced development,balanced development of the non-economic analysis conducted plight, and tap the causes ofthe unbalanced development of culture, primarily from economic On learning about thephilosophical basis of the errors, abandoned the ancient principle of dynamic equilibrium,four aspects of unbalanced economic ethics anomie and other regional educationaldevelopment of the interpretation.
     The fifth chapter discusses the plight of regional and cultural reasons not to sustainabledevelopment. In presenting the status quo is not sustainable development, based on the plightof sustainable development without economic analysis and mining the causes of unsustainabledevelopment and cultural difficulties, mainly from the modern and post-modern flood impact,social thought, everything becomes possible cultural misunderstanding, the lack of a causalconcept, people-oriented cultural misunderstanding, misuse of Pareto optimality, mixedeconomic growth and economic development, education and the economy in the absence ofethics, media propaganda alienation, lack of philanthropic philosophy, economics, education11reforms lag interpretation.
     Chapter VI discusses the plight of digestion regional economic development strategy.Mainly from promoting regional cultural heritage of innovation, adhere to sustainableeconomic development, strengthen environmental protection, improve social governance,economics reconstructed five core value system of regional development policy suggestionsdigestion difficulties. Where regional cultural inheritance and innovation, sustainableeconomic development, environmental protection, improve social governance is to achievethe common good four dimensions. In this chapter further elaborated to the common good asthe purpose of regional economic development, to reconstruct the ultramodern core valuesystem as a path to achieve the common good, to bring prosperity through the development ofmodern material civilization, and ultramodern core value system through reconstruction andbring happiness, modern and ultramodern from beyond the modernization and can guidemodernized. And noted that sustainable development and a happy life can not only build onthe economic wealth, but should be more based on the spiritual realm, the development ofmiddle economy, reducing the desire to increase the real satisfaction.
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