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     对两种赤潮藻作了不同氮浓度(NaNO3:30、60、150、750、1275、3000 mg/L)、磷浓度(NaH2PO4:4.4、8.8、22、44、88、176 mg/L)和锰浓度(10-12,10-10,10-8,10-6,10-4mol/L)的培养实验。其它营养盐采用f/2培养基,盐度28‰,温度(22±1)℃,光照强度50001x。结果表明,NaNO3、NaH2PO4和MnSO4对两种赤潮藻的细胞密度和相对生长率均有显著影响(P<0.05)。750 mg/L NaNO3和22 mg/L NaH2PO4浓度组的米氏凯伦藻相对生长率显著高于其它浓度组。150 mg/L NaNO3和8.8 mg/LNaH2PO4浓度组的前沟藻相对生长率显著高于其它浓度组。米氏凯伦藻的细胞密度在10-12-10-8mol/L间随锰浓度升高而升高,之后随锰浓度的进一步升高而降低。前沟藻的细胞密度在10-12-10-6mol/L间随锰浓度升高而升高,之后随锰浓度的升高而降低。其中10-4 mol/L锰浓度下两种赤潮藻的细胞密度显著低于其它浓度组。
     对米氏凯伦藻分别进行了不同NaNO3浓度(N1.10-3mol/L,N2.10-2mol/L,N3.3×10-2mol/L)及NaH2PO4浓度(P1.0.04mmol/L, P2.0.08mmol/L, P3.0.20mmol/L)下不同锰浓度(Mn1.10-12,Mn2.10-10,Mn3.10-8,Mm.10-6,Mn5.10-4mol/L)的培养实验。结果表明,氮浓度和锰浓度对米氏凯伦藻的相对生长率均有显著影响(P<0.05),氮浓度和锰浓度之间存在交互效应;磷浓度和锰浓度对米氏凯伦藻的相对生长率均有显著影响P<0.05),磷浓度和锰浓度之间存在交互效应。
     研究了不同锰浓度对米氏凯伦藻和前沟藻叶绿素荧光特性的影响。结果表明,锰对米氏凯伦藻的叶绿素荧光参数(Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,ΦPSII, ETR, qP, NPQ)均有显著影响(P<0.05);锰浓度为10-12-10-8mol/L时,米氏凯伦藻的荧光参数Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,ΦPSII, ETR在指数生长期及稳定前期(第3-9天)随着起始锰浓度的增加而升高,Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo在指数生长期(第2-7天)随培养时间的延长而增加;qP值在整个培养周期内随锰浓度升高呈下降趋势。锰浓度对前沟藻的叶绿素荧光参数(Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo,ΦPSII, ETR, qP, NPQ)均有显著影响(P<0.05);其Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,在指数生长期(第3-6天)在10-12-10-4 mol/L锰浓度间随着起始锰浓度的增大呈增加趋势,ΦPSII和ETR在10-10-10-6mol/L锰浓度间变化不大,qP和NPQ于指数生长期内(第4-6天)在各锰浓度组之间变化不大,其它时间随起始锰浓度的增加呈现降低趋势。两种赤潮藻的NPQ在各浓度组均呈现先下降后上升趋势。
     研究了不同锰浓度对米氏凯伦藻和前沟藻SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)和CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性的影响。结果表明,锰对米氏凯伦藻和前沟藻的SOD和CAT活力有显著影响(P<0.05)。米氏凯伦藻和前沟藻在高锰浓度(104 mol/L)处理组的SOD和CAT活性均显著高于其它处理组,锰缺乏浓度(10-12mol/L)处理组的SOD和CAT活力显著低于其它处理组。两种赤潮藻的SOD和CAT活性均在10-12-10-8mol/L锰浓度间随锰浓度的升高而升高,其SOD活力的大小依次为:10-4 mol/L>10-8,10-6mol/L>10-10mol/L>10-12 mol/L,CAT活性大小依次为:10-4 mol/L>10-8mol/L>10-10,10-6mol/L>10-12mol/L。
1 Effects of N, P and Mn on the growth of Karenia mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp.
     The cell density and relative growth rate of Karenia mikimotoi MACC/D23 and Amphidinium sp. MACC/D31, cultivated in f/2 medium under different concentration of NaNO3(0.35,0.70,1.76,8.82,15,35.30×10-3 mol/L) and NaH2PO4(0.04,0.07, 0.18,0.37,0.73,1.47×10-3 mol/L) were examined. The results showed that different concentration of NaNO3 and NaH2PO4 had significant effects on the relative growth rate of K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. (P<0.05). The optimal growth NaNO3 and NaH2PO4 concentration for K. mikimotoi is 8.82×10-3 mol/L and 0.18×10-3 mol/L respectively whilst 1.76×10-3 mol/L and 0.07×10-3 mol/L for Amphidinium sp. respectively.
     Several studies reported that the trace element manganese, which had significant effect on the growth of microalgae, was correlated with the formation of the red tide. Karenia mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. are common dinoflagellates which could cause harmful algal blooms. In this study, the effects of different manganese concentrations (10-12—10-4 mol/L) on the cell density of K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. were studied. The results showed that manganese had significant effects on the cell density of K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. (P<0.05). The cell densities of K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. under 10-4 mol/L manganese concentration were significantly lower than those in other treatment groups. Under 10-12—10-8 mol/L manganese concentrations, the cell densities of K. mikimotoi increased with the increasing manganese concentration, while it under 10-8—10-4 mol/L decreased.
     2 Effect of manganese on the chlorophyll parameters of Karenia mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp.
     Chlorophyll fluorescence has been widely used in studies of photosynthesis in marine microalgae. There are several chlorophyll fluorescence parameters which correlate to photosynthetic processes, including the ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence(Fv/Fm), the potential activity of PSII (Fv/Fo), the actual photochemical efficiency of PSII in the light (ΦPSII), the electron transport rate (ETR), the photochemical quenching (qP) and the non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). In this study, the effects of different manganese concentrations (10-12—10-4 mol/L) on above fluorescence parameters of K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. were studied by using chlorophyll fluorescence technology. The results showed that manganese had significant effects on the fluorescence parameters(Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo,ΦPSII, ETR, qP and NPQ) of K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. (P<0.05). The effect of manganese on the fluorescence parameters relied on the range of manganese concentrations and the microalgal culture age. Under 10-12-10-8 mol/L manganese concentrations, the parameters Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo,ΦPSII and ETR increased with the increase of manganese concentrations from day 3 to day 9, while Fv/Fm and F/Fo increased with the increasing culture age from day 2 to day 7. The value of qP decreased with the increasing manganese concentration during the entire experimental period. NPQ showed the tendency that decreased first and increased later. Some fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo,) also showed significant correlations with manganese concentration. The fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo both showed significant positive correlations with manganese concentrations (10-12—10-8 mol/L) on day 4 and day 5, and the same correlations were found under 10-8—10-4 mol/L from day 3 to day 6.
     The chlorophyll content of Amphidinium sp. under 10-12 and 10-4 mol/L was significantly lower than that of 10-8 and 10-6 mol/L on the third day, and under 10-12 it was significantly lower than that of 10-10 and 10-4 mol/L on the eighth and tenth days. Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo of Amphidinium sp. under 10-12 mol/L were significantly lower than other concentrations from the first day to the fourth day andΦPSII and ETR were significantly lower than other concentrations from the first day to the third day while under 10-4mol l-1 Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo were significantly higher than other concentrations from the sixth day to the ninth day andΦPSII and ETR were significantly higher than other concentrations from the sixth day to the seventh day. The values of qP and NPQ under 10-12 mol/L were significantly higher than other concentrations on the third day. Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo increased with the manganese concentrations (10-12-10-4 mol/L) from the third day to the sixth day whilst OPSII and ETR varied slightly with the manganese concentrations (10-10-10-6 mol l-1). Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo, OPSII, NPQ and ETR under each concentration increased in earlier experimental period and decreased later. The values of qP and NPQ decreased with manganese concentrations except for that from the fourth day to the sixth day. There were significant positive correlations between Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo and manganese concentrations (10-12-10-6 mol l-1) from the first day to the fourth day after inoculation. Moreover, Fv/Fm. Fv/Fo, OPSII and ETR all showed significant positive correlations with manganese concentrations (10-6-10-4 mol l-1) from the sixth day to the ninth day of the experimental period.
     3 Effect of manganese on the antioxidative enzyme activity in Karenia mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp.
     The antioxidant enzyme (Superoxide Dismutase, SOD and Catalase, CAT) activities in K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. under different manganese concentration were examined. One-way analysis of variance showed that different concentration of manganese had significant effects on SOD and CAT activities in mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. (P<0.05). The SOD and CAT activities K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. under 10-4 mol/L manganese concentration were significantly higher than those in other treatment groups. The SOD and CAT activities in K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. under 10-12 mol/L manganese concentration were significantly lower than those in other treatment groups. The SOD and CAT activities in K. mikimotoi and Amphidinium sp. all increase with manganese concentration at 10-12-10-8 mol/L.
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