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With the rapid development of the Internet network applications and network quality services, people interact with each other and the sharing of resources becomes increasingly fast and convenient.Therefore the network bandwidth management and network information management has become a problem that we must face. In the past few years, P2P has been rapid development with its unique technology advantage and download quality.More and more users choose to P2P.To a large number of Internet users,P2P downloads has became a part of daily network life. Traffic generated by P2P protocol-based network applications occupy most of the normal network traffic. If it was not limited to a large number ofP2P streaming download or use, such as Thunder Express like accounting for a large traffic download software, take up valuable network bandwidth, network will lead to other Internet users speed to be greatly affected. The industry is basically a large network equipment to implement traffic monitoring, and it is not a good solution for small networks. In this paper, based on the the iptables firewall in linux environment, extendingthe firewall functionality to traffic monitoring. This program takes full advantage of the portability of the linux for small networks of P2P traffic control functions.
     In this paper, with the P2P protocol characteristics and flow control relevant technical background, and taking into account the development of P2P technology, focused on the P2P technology, P2P traffic monitoring technology and designed and implemented a P2P traffic control system, To be specific,this paper completed the following work content:
     1. Designed and implemented a login module and policy configuration module. The login module is to ensure that the safety of the control system. In order to ensure that no malicious use by other staff,we setting up an account.Policy configuration module is order to improve operator interacts with the system at the same timerecording to the system strategies. Policy configuration module is mainly dependent on the presence of a system database, under the strategy by the record operating personnel at the front desk.
     2.Designed and implemented traffic statistics module. We can visually see the state of the system over a period of time through te traffic statistics module. Through the module we can intuitively understand the change of traffic to anprotocol on a host or all the protocol on a host over a period of time.The effectiveness of the strategy and the network environment can be observed through the changes in the flow.
     3. Designed and implemented feature library module and flow control module. The feature library module is divided into two parts:the famous port library and protocol library, the flow into the module first come through the famous port library and get the pre-match result, then the results is given to protocol library.Flow control module architecture iptables framework, through the framework of the firewall function to receive services, denial of service function.
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