桉树促生菌的16S rDNA分析及接种造林试验
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植物促生菌是指能通过各种直接或间接的作用有利于植物生长或促进植物生长的细菌,即PGPR(plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria),主要有固氮菌、解磷菌、解钾菌。前期从桉树、罗汉松、厚荚相思等林地分离、纯化到若干优良固氮菌、解磷菌、解钾菌。本研究将供试菌株进行了16S rDNA全序列分子分类学鉴定,并采用随机区组试验设计方法进行了桉树接种促生菌的苗期及后续造林试验,筛选出了一批促生效果较优的菌株,为桉树可持续林业的发展及大而积接种促生菌造林提供现实依据及指导意见。
     参与16S rDNA全序列分析的14个菌株在NCBI进行BLAST后,可以初步将其归于4个不同的属:不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)有Nd、9K、4K、4Kv、14K 5个菌株;芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)有N6、Nc、N1 3个菌株;葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)有K1、40K、0K、P、P1 5个菌株;厌氧球菌属(Anaerococcus)的菌株最少,仅有1株N5。
     综合苗期与造林试验结果,14个供试菌株接种广林9号无性系效果较优的为N1、N6、9K、NC、40K、14K这6个菌株。造林期各接种处理相对于对照组树高、地径增长率分别达13.95%-32.21%、32.49%-54.94%。对于筛选出的6个优良促生菌,进行了固氮菌与解钾菌之间促生效果差异的比较, t检验结果表明固氮菌接种促生效果要显著优于解钾菌。
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria is one kind of bacteria which can benefit the growth of plant through various direct or indirect effects,also called PGPR.They are mostly N-fixing bacteria、P-releasing bacteria and K-releasing bacteria.In the early time,we isolated and purified a number of good N-fixing bacteria、P-releasing bacteria and K-releasing bacteria from the woodland of Eucalyptus、Podocarpus macrophyllus and Acacia crassicarpa.The tested strains were classified and identified by 16S rDNA-Sequential Analysis,and inoculated on Eucalyptus for seedling and afforestation test with randomized block design.A number of strains which have good growth-promoting effect had been screened out.The test provided realistic foundation and guidance for the sustainable forestry development of Eucalyptus and large area of inoculated afforestation.
     14 Strains which involved in 16S rDNA-Sequential Analysis were blasted in NCBI,they can be divided into four different genus initially:the five strains Nd、 9K、4K、4Kv、14K belong to Acinetobacter;the three strains N6、Nc、N1 belong to Bacillus;the five strains K1、40K、30K、6P、P1 belong to Staphylococcus;only N5 belong to Anaerococcus.
     Considered the results of seedling and afforestation test, the better were six of fourteen tested strains inoculated Eucalypus grandis×E.urophylla GL9, they were N1、N6、9K、NC、40K、14K.The tree heights of various treatment groups were higher 13.95%-32.21% than the control group, the basal diameters were higher 32.49%-54.94% than the control group.Compared the effect of growth-promoting which be screened out six good PGPR between N-fixing bacteria(Nc,N6,N1) and K-releasing bacteria(40K,14K,9K), T test results showed that the effect of growth-promoting of N-fixing bacteria significantly superior to K-releasing bacteria.
     From the inoculation test results of 8 different mixed strains N-fixing bacteria and P-releasing bacteria from Vegetable research base,the four fixed strains N1+P、N1+L2+P、L2+P、4Y+L2+P showed a better inoculation effect of growth-promoting.The fixed strains N1+P、N1+L2+P、L2+P、4Y+P、4Y+L2+P showed a better inoculation effect of growth-promoting significantly than the single strain P.The fixed strains N1+P which from the Eucalyptus woodland showed a better seedling (tree)height significantly than the fixed strains 4Y+L2 which from the Podocarpus macrophyllus woodland.
     From the results of Eucalyptus grandis×E. urophylla GL9 inoculated with 8 different N-fixing bacteria in Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,the 5 strains D7+4Y、H6+L2、H6、D7、L2+4Y showed a better growth-promoting effect of inoculation.The three fixed strains D7+H6、H6+L2、4Y+H6 showed a better growth-promoting effect significantly than the single strain H6 in afforestation test.But the other fixed strains D7+L2、D7+4Y、D7+H6 did't show a better growth-promoting effect significantly than the single strain D7.
     Contrast experiments of Eucalypus grandis×E.urophylla GL9 and E. urophylla×E. grandis 3229, which both inoculated by fixed strain 4Y+L2, the results showed that:the tree height and basal diameter of inoculation group were both higher than the control group.The basal diameters of GL9 and 29 were higher 7.72% and 20.18% respectively than the control group, the seedling heights of GL9 and 29 were higher 5.02% and 16.40% respectively than the control group in seedling test.The basal diameter of GL9 and 29 were higher 8.04%-35.93% and 4.9%-56.20% respectively than the control group, the tree height of GL9 and 29 were higher 35.74% and 4.47%-72.22% respectively than the control group in forestation test.The effect of inoculation of 29 significantly superior to GL9 in the seedling test and the first afforestation test, while the effect was on the contrary in the second afforestation test. In addition, the two Eucalyptus clones inoculated with N-fixing bacteria also showed high resistance in the environment, trees can resume the growth rapidly after suffering from the serious damage of Leptocybe invasa Fisher et La Salle.
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