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How to gain its competing advantage and to maintain its continuous progress in the intense market are crucial and strategic problem of the corporation. To create and sustain the value of the consumers favor and to acquire competition advantage, it should make the right strategic position.
     This paper analyses the inner and outer environment by PEST method, five kinds of force model and SWOT analysis method, gains the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat of Deshan corporation and core competition capability . Based on it , the paper presents Deshan corporation should make its market on small or middle technological enterprise, make its operation on technological counseling and item declare, make operation development fashion by founding strategic alliance. Comparing to the three kinds of competition strategic: cost lead competition strategic, centralization strategic, discrepancy competition strategic, the paper chooses discrepancy competition strategic. According to the character of Deshan, the paper presents strategic position with enhancing the service and constructing the brand. In order to implementation of the strategy, achieving the objectives of the openness of the flat and flexible organization and strengthening adaptive capacity in the external environment, the paper discusses achievement fashion of the strategic position.
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